Sunday, August 19, 2007

Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 034 What Did You Do When the Server Downtime

What We've been doing:

Aprillian and Server downtime - Earthern Ring was down for 48 hour maintenance. Drove me crazy. I have alts on 4 other servers, but none that mean as much as the ones I have on Earthern Ring. So I made a resolution, I'm not going to put all of my eggs in one basket.

Aprillian levelled herbalism so she can get flower for Treshel.


I've been working on Arlaerus. He's half-way through level 38. Once I hit level 40, I'll put him on hold and level up some of my other alts for a bit (see "Alt Advice" below). With the 48 hours of down-time and preparations for a major life event coming up, WoW has (unfortunately) taken a little bit of a back burner. I'll soon be back in the saddle, so to speak.

Email - None so far

Dual Boxing w/Ashayo (2 episodes) - it got cut off, so we have a corrected version and a new version.

Alt Advice - Visit alts:
You can get caught up with one alt. But if you are a true altaholic, you will want to keep all your alt connections fresh. This means spending one hour a week logging into all of your alts on all realms. You might find one that catches your interest. Or learn something. And you will have some fun.


Arlaerus - did research on what gear he should use for his protection tree. Found out what the different armour suffixes are. Gorilla = Strength + Intellect. Eagle = Intellect + Stamina. Bear = Strength + Stamina. Boar = Spirit + Strength.

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