Aprillian, Ashayo, Tedrah and Gufoni discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. Contest Ongoing send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altaholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Juuno’s Corner
Hello Darlings!! I hope everyone's doing great... here's my CAW269 submission and it includes a fun message from Pixiegirl!
/great big hugs!
p.s. Links links links!
Figured out the problem in Sims Social. They added a button:
An hour or ten of Diablo III :) Wizard to 20, Hunter to 10, Witch Doctor to 10, Monk to 6. Cinematic after Act I was awesome!
Hiide - did 20-25k dps in WoE ! Actually did highest amount of damage done!
Quests 1912 - 2604 = 92 quests. Now 98% into honored for the guild.
Weird bug with misdirection - was stuck on constant cooldown. Fixed after hearthing.
LFR - 10th in DPS, 18k
2nd half LFR - won tier helm on gunship battle. Then got kicked coz my pet was attacking something it shouldn't have. LOL
- moved to Northern barrens ; quests were green, but mobs still yellow (
- went to razor hill to pick up from there, but they were grey.
- went to cross roads and only a couple there, but once wandering north west to do them, found other outposts of quest givers
- ding 20, trained right there in cross-roads!
- Dumbass warlock flew back to Org, caught zepp to Undercity, ran to Silvermoon portal, ran all the way out of silvermoon to the Hawkstrider vendor .... only to realise I'd already trained by getting the warlock felsteed!
- I need sunglasses to quest in The Barrens. The yellow ground is sooooo bright
- After finishing the samophlange quest line, Spluttervalve gives you a rocket ride back to cross-roads - trepidation to take it as an Ironman toon!
Binky's gift for my taking GM role of some coguilds
Exalted with PoH
Deathwing dead
Flaming Hippogryph - but no idea how I’ll get my final achievement (get focused on an achievement)
Mel and I have been so busy in real life that WOW has taken a back seat for a little while.
We did get a few new pets from children's week for a few toons and with one toon we did the whole thing. We both hate with a passion the " school of hard knocks " achievement as it is such a negative achievement. Anyway we were luckily in Warsong Gulch on our 5th or 6th try we had groups that wanted the achievement and the flag fell really easily. The other three were just painful and 6 times I almost had the flag placed in the base or got the fort almost caped and we won the battle ground . Talk about " not happy Janet" .
Anyway on to a very happy event for us
The Nekros asked us last weekend if we would like would like to take a level appropriate toon though Hellfire citadel as he was after the daggers off the second boss for his rogue . Not being greedy but being muti-boxers we bought along two and we ran the normal instance 4 or 5 times and soon we ran out of rested xp and the daggers never dropped. Anyway real life called and Mel and I disappeared for a while . When we logged back on much later Nekro whispered us that daggers only fall in the heroic version of the instance . "Doh"
So you may ask what made this a " very happy event" and that was that we were on vent with Nekros and we head Mrs Nekro laughing and chatting in the background and to hear the wonderful news that she is on the mend after being sick for so long .
Anyway back to real life as we struggle to put 26 hours into a 24 hour day
May the cockroaches beat the canetoads this year .
The Wallabies to beat all blacks
Forget the aerial ping pong
42 and Mel
PS We have no trouble understanding the big G but did Ashayo have to translate the last 3 lines ?
Good morning CaW crew. Hope everyone is doing well both in and out of game.
Its been a fun week in wow for Mr. and Mrs. Necrobob. Lastkiss my Rogue is now in Northrend collecting stylish daggers and learning the delicate and dangerous art of engineering (mostly so she can wear all those cool goggles).
While running Utgarde Keep she discovered the Riplash leather armor set. Its the dark blue set with the fur trim on the shoulders. She only needs the Riplash gloves to complete the set. If anyone has a pair kicking around let me know.
Skylla, Mrs. Nekrobobs Loremaster toon, has recently finished Hellfire peninsula, Zangarmarsh and is well on her way through Terokkar Forrest.
Aside from that we had to do another massive bank and mailbox clean-up. Because of this we have a new policy with gear, if it doesn't look pretty sell it on the auction house. if it doesn't sell it gets disenchanted.
Do you guys have any rules or methods regarding gear and what to do with it or do you just leave it in the mail and pass it from toon to toon.
Cheers from the Necrobobs
and remember undead love is forever
Juuno’s Corner
Hello Darlings!! I hope everyone's doing great... here's my CAW269 submission and it includes a fun message from Pixiegirl!
/great big hugs!
p.s. Links links links!
What We've Been Doing:
Aprillian battletag: Aprillian#1654
Figured out the problem in Sims Social. They added a button:
Played D3
She sounds like Buffy
Wow, hearthed to AT, got roped into running
SWTOR and credit card change
An hour or ten of Diablo III :) Wizard to 20, Hunter to 10, Witch Doctor to 10, Monk to 6. Cinematic after Act I was awesome!
Hiide - did 20-25k dps in WoE ! Actually did highest amount of damage done!
Quests 1912 - 2604 = 92 quests. Now 98% into honored for the guild.
Weird bug with misdirection - was stuck on constant cooldown. Fixed after hearthing.
LFR - 10th in DPS, 18k
2nd half LFR - won tier helm on gunship battle. Then got kicked coz my pet was attacking something it shouldn't have. LOL
- moved to Northern barrens ; quests were green, but mobs still yellow (
- went to razor hill to pick up from there, but they were grey.
- went to cross roads and only a couple there, but once wandering north west to do them, found other outposts of quest givers
- ding 20, trained right there in cross-roads!
- Dumbass warlock flew back to Org, caught zepp to Undercity, ran to Silvermoon portal, ran all the way out of silvermoon to the Hawkstrider vendor .... only to realise I'd already trained by getting the warlock felsteed!
- I need sunglasses to quest in The Barrens. The yellow ground is sooooo bright
- After finishing the samophlange quest line, Spluttervalve gives you a rocket ride back to cross-roads - trepidation to take it as an Ironman toon!
Binky's gift for my taking GM role of some coguilds
Exalted with PoH
Deathwing dead
Flaming Hippogryph - but no idea how I’ll get my final achievement (get focused on an achievement)
Hi Guys and Girls and Mystery hostMel and I have been so busy in real life that WOW has taken a back seat for a little while.
We did get a few new pets from children's week for a few toons and with one toon we did the whole thing. We both hate with a passion the " school of hard knocks " achievement as it is such a negative achievement. Anyway we were luckily in Warsong Gulch on our 5th or 6th try we had groups that wanted the achievement and the flag fell really easily. The other three were just painful and 6 times I almost had the flag placed in the base or got the fort almost caped and we won the battle ground . Talk about " not happy Janet" .
Anyway on to a very happy event for us
The Nekros asked us last weekend if we would like would like to take a level appropriate toon though Hellfire citadel as he was after the daggers off the second boss for his rogue . Not being greedy but being muti-boxers we bought along two and we ran the normal instance 4 or 5 times and soon we ran out of rested xp and the daggers never dropped. Anyway real life called and Mel and I disappeared for a while . When we logged back on much later Nekro whispered us that daggers only fall in the heroic version of the instance . "Doh"
So you may ask what made this a " very happy event" and that was that we were on vent with Nekros and we head Mrs Nekro laughing and chatting in the background and to hear the wonderful news that she is on the mend after being sick for so long .
Anyway back to real life as we struggle to put 26 hours into a 24 hour day
May the cockroaches beat the canetoads this year .
The Wallabies to beat all blacks
Forget the aerial ping pong
42 and Mel
PS We have no trouble understanding the big G but did Ashayo have to translate the last 3 lines ?
Good morning CaW crew. Hope everyone is doing well both in and out of game.
Its been a fun week in wow for Mr. and Mrs. Necrobob. Lastkiss my Rogue is now in Northrend collecting stylish daggers and learning the delicate and dangerous art of engineering (mostly so she can wear all those cool goggles).
While running Utgarde Keep she discovered the Riplash leather armor set. Its the dark blue set with the fur trim on the shoulders. She only needs the Riplash gloves to complete the set. If anyone has a pair kicking around let me know.
Skylla, Mrs. Nekrobobs Loremaster toon, has recently finished Hellfire peninsula, Zangarmarsh and is well on her way through Terokkar Forrest.
Aside from that we had to do another massive bank and mailbox clean-up. Because of this we have a new policy with gear, if it doesn't look pretty sell it on the auction house. if it doesn't sell it gets disenchanted.
Do you guys have any rules or methods regarding gear and what to do with it or do you just leave it in the mail and pass it from toon to toon.
Cheers from the Necrobobs
and remember undead love is forever
The Voice of Liquid Sin!
It was very nice to hear Gufoni on the podcast. I remember fondly his conversations with Warrak and Dills on the AIE Podcast and his segments on Arezzo's fantastic Postcards from the Old World.On Friday nights I have been hosting Ulduar achievement runs on Earthen Ring. I’m still learning the best approach to the fights at level 85 as well as how to explain the fights better. Typically we get started around 11PM EST (server time). It will take at leasy two runs for one toon to get all of the achievements. When my schedule permits I’ll do a follow up raid on Saturday nights.
The only requirements for the raid is to be level 80 or higher and have Mumble installed on your computer. Mumble is an alternative to Vent and it is free to download. I have my own 30 man server allowing folks from different guilds to join us. You do not have to have a working mic but I do need you to be able to hear my instructions.
When Blizzard starts using Battle-Tags in WoW instead of Real-ID I will I’ll be able to open up invites to anyone with a Horde toon on a US server.
The goal of these runs is to complete the Glory of the Ulduar Raider achievement and earn folks the Rusted Proto-Drake. If we have more than 10 people on a given night we can switch to 25 man and work toward earning the Ironbound Proto-Drake.
When Jeppy gets better I will schedule some runs at times that are better for people in the UK.
In other news I am giving a space based MMO a try. Hint it does not involve light sabers. I'd tell y'all more but then I'd have to kill you. ;-)
Have a great week,
You Have QuickVoice Mail from Wingy
Giddy Crew,Wingy here with an update. So many things accomplished with so many more to come. Man I love this game.
Listen carefully as there will be a test...or will there..... Lol
Undead squishies and Diablo 3
Hello CAW crew, Well, to be honest, WoW play wasn't extremely epic this week. I was busy preparing and having my callback for a theater production (Which I just accepted the role of Marian...in the show "The Music Man", and Wren got cast as the prankster kid Tommy, hehe). But when I wasn't busy with that or WoW, I was enjoying watching Wren play and beat Diablo 3 on his barbarian. He started out playing a witch doctor, then decided to try some of the other classes and quickly realized his barbarian felt the best fit- since after all, he adores tanks. When not fasinated by all the demons and beauty that is Diablo 3's cut scenes, I did play a tiny bit in WoW land. I got my Tauren hunter Striderunner to 22 and my undead warlock to 49 1/2. First I sent my hunter off to Ashenvale, where I proceeded to join in the fight against night elfs, then later rode the most awesome of kodos- Brutusk. I wish my tauren's kodo could zap 8 ashenvale ambushers with one stomp! Next I hopped on my warlock, where I decided to fly to the far off land of Badlands for a change of scenery. I completed the Tomb of the Watchers puzzles easily and then enlisted the help of the 3 "Bad Dogs": Jurrix Whitemane, Amakkar and Gargal to take on the big bad dragons with me. As much as it is fun to have them helping me out and then riding their motorcycles behind me in our own little possie, I miss my warlock pet greatly in all of their quests. (See attached photo of my warlock and her "Bad Dog possie". haha) After defeating Kalaran the Annihilator, Moldarr and then General Jirakka, I was pretty sure we could take on anything. Then Nyxondra happened. That crazy dragon...argh. After clearing out a huge radius of her baby dragons because I knew she had a fear, I thought we'd be ok. But nooo, her babies respawn so dang fast! I kept getting her down to 20% then my Bad Dogs would die on me no matter how many heals and spells I threw at them and her. Sadly without my warlock pet, I am not nearly as badass alone. I soulstoned and tried again. Same thing happened, around the 20% mark- the bad dogs and myself-dead and squishy. Frustrated, I hearthed out, trained up and left my warlock sitting in Undercity to stategize her next move on how to beat that crazy dragon before I pulled my hair out. Sorry that there is no song today. With all the real-life theater stuff and Diablo 3, we didn't get a chance to do one. *tear* I hope you all had a lovely week in WoW and that those who got to play Diablo 3 enjoyed it as well. For the undead squishies, Morgaine (& Wren if he doesn't end up writing his own letter) |
Submission for 269
Hellooooo Sweeties,Sending extra special hugs to you all - hope each of you are doing well and especially to Jeppy - I miss your voice and hope you will be back soon :)
Well what have I been up to in WoW ... insert crickets here! Lol
I haven't spent alot of time in WoW this past week besides checking Auction House and doing a LFR on Friday night (got a new trinket for Leeta).
No levelling of my Iron Man Toon, no Alt levelling. WoW has been particularly low key for me.
However there was a new game released last week! Some of you may have heard of it or even be playing it ... /looks at Ashayo, Tedrah, Nevik and Big G ... :P
Yes Diablo 3 has hit and oh my gosh I am loving it. I made a Wizard and managed to stumble around like a complete noob for the first few hours until a friend explained some of the game mechanics to me.
Now I have never played Diablo or Diablo 2 and couldn't get my head around Starcraft 2 however Diablo 3 I am slowly getting the hang of. And I am LOVING it!!
It won't replace WoW for me however it is really nice to just have abit of a break from it.
Another little thing that came with the D3 release has been the Battletags - It's been great just having little chats with those of you on my friends list :) I do love the socializing part of these games and it's so good to just say "Hi" or even a "Grats" for someone completing an achievement. So much fun to keep in touch in game :)
Well that's is about it for me this week.
Hope everyone has a great week and hugs all round - coz everyone needs more hugs :D
For the Horde and for the Wizard ... hehehe
Huggles Leeta xoxo
D3 Impressions
Hail and well-met, Control-Alt-WoW crew!
It’s been a while since I last sent you a missive. I’ve still been at the same-old thing, working on raiding with my Tauren Paladin, off-tanking and melee DPS. We’ve managed to start working some of Heroics in Dragon Soul with Heroic Morchok on farm status. We’re working through some of the Achievements in DS as well. We’re going back and picking up some various pieces in the Firelands too.
But, the real reason I’m writing was that I realized on my drive into work today, I wanted to hear the EU and AU versions of our favorite Diablo (D3, etc..) character, Deckard Cain. So, can we have some input from Ashayo and Jeppy? What does the EU Deckard Cain sound like? And what about the AU Deckard Cain?
Thanks for my little interjection!
“Be well…”
Lionchild / Eranth / Wolfbrother
269 update
So very little WoW this week Diablo 3 has claim me wholely and solely
Big G
Hi CAW Crew!
Apologies again for no audio this week! I did actually record one but realized when I was literally 20 feed from work that I'd forgot to email it.
What I've been upto: I had a minor crisis with my Laptop HardDrive not working at all last weekend. It just wouldn't power up or boot. I then removed the battery and the power lead, left it 10 minutes and when I came back it was powering up just not booting. I removed the harddrive fo r 10 minutes, put it back in and voilà fixed.
I spent a little bit of time on my Rogue Rigarmorty in Uldum and popped onto my warlock but I didn't get a great deal of gaming done. I have been thinking of rolling a pally alt at some point, possibly on Nevikhoof.
I'm going to be a guest again on 5WowThings www.5wowthings.com on Wednesday so that's cool. Putting out my episode 7 later this week as well.
Other than that I'm off to Brighton which is on the southern coast of England for a long weekend.
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