What We've Been Doing:
Hello CAW Darlings!!!
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy New Year and most importantly....Happy 300th Episode!!!!!!!!! WOOHOOO!!!
Thank you SO very, very much for all you do and have done! We love you!!!!!
/great big hugs and kisses!!!
Juuno & Pixiegirl
p.s. Attached is a picture of Pixiegirl with Spooky and her new mount that Jeppy sent her, the Saphire Panther!!!! Isn't he gorgeous???? =D Love you!!
Mad Guild Achievements running Heroics with Shhamaya, Prillian and Epril
RAF ended, Shhmaya wants to get a title
May Your Blades Never Dull!
Got Lumpy on Tiiaa and then she got it again
back portaling to Org
emptying bags
Took Shhamaya to Halfhill for cooking

Milling better at different times of the day?
Usually do in my evening. Today did it in my morning, and got ALOT more
First two LFR's on Jekle. Not as bad on mana as shaman starting out. No loot. All gold :/
Monk hit level 30 just doing daily.
Vault of Mysteries - neck upgrade for Jekle
Terrace of Endless springs - won belt. ALMOST an upgrade! lol
Enlightenment - 24hrs + ?
Jade Panther from Jeppy = 50 mounts = Albino Drake!
Zen Alchemist Stone - trinket from dropped item. Mogushan Vaults with Molly
Winter Veil cookies buffed
Chatroom gives title
Hello once more to everyone at Ctrl-Alt-WoW! I hope you're all having a great week and had some nice surprises from Great-Father Winter and related quests. We've added Lumpy to our ever-growing list of pets, though he hasn't yet entered battle. Soon, though!
I'm sure you have a big show today with number 300 - CONGRATULATIONS - so I won't take up too much time with this email. I hope you enjoy the attached audio. Have a great week everyone, and I look forward to the new year!
-Voltandra's player
Darn you guys !!
Good morning All
It has been at least a year since I wrote in last. It was about a year ago I finally quit WOW. I finally broke my addiction !!! So I started playing Skyrim and once this got boring I got into GW2 and Trochlight 2. And I thought for sure I was done with WOW for good. So I uninstalled the game and all my mods back in early November and promptly began to heckle the few friends I had that were still playing WOW.
Then one day a few weeks ago I seen the CTL ALT WOW podcast in my Google Reader. I have not listen in a long time, probably close to a year. So I started to listen again to the last few casts. And I’ll be damned if I did not suddenly find that I was being sucked back into WOW ! I thought I could fight it with GW2, but as the number of players drop off of that game, I found it harder and harder to do the events and skill point changes.
So here I find myself reloading WOW Monday and Tuesday and looking to go today to pick up Mists. THANKS guys for rezzing my once conquered WOW addiction (you guys and Scott Johnson that is) !!!
Congrats on Episode 300 Aprillian :)
Love you guys
Audio Crozey 300
Episode 300 Special
Hi Aprillian, Eljeppy, Ashayo and Tedra!
Attached is the Ctrl Alt Wow Episode 300 special from me and Leeta and...
RigarmortyHow long has it been?
Hey CAW crew,
I wanted to send an email to congratulate you all on your 300th
episode. Over the years you all have given me quite a bit of enjoyment
listening to all of your antics and meeting the wonderful contributors
to the show in and out of game. I don't really have anything to report
as I did let my WOW account lapse. I wasn't playing really at all
anymore so I figured I would take a break. It was a good few years and
I will remember my time in WoW very fondly.
For the horde. For the alliance and For getting back to real life.
Congrats again on the big three zero zero!
PS No Jeppy, you can't have my gold.Submission for the week between the holidays!
Hello CAW Crew
Here are two audio segments (Play the Sub300 one first, the Warchief one section)
Wren & Morgaine
300 episodes
Greetings CAW crew,
Happy Winter's Veil and congratulations on 300 episodes. I just wanted to say that I eagerly await the new episode each week, and hope that there are 300 more to come. Thank you for all the hard work that all the hosts and contributors do each and every week. It is wonderful to hear from other players who are not focused solely on endgame, and who find charm in the beginning of the game still as well.
I haven't been able to play as much as I had been, as I have recently rejoined the ranks of the employed. While it is a good thing to be working again, my time in game is much more limited. Still working on leveling my battle pets though. I finally got Lumpy from the Greench, but continue to send my level 85's to attack him daily in the hopes of getting one more.
Best Wishes,
Susan aka Duvessae's player
Thank you thank you thank you ....I love you guys and haven't missed an episode since I started listening over 3 years ago.Nevik of Nevikhoof, Nevik'ng your Nevik ???
Merry Christmas to you all and congratulations on your 300th episode. It is an amazing accomplishment and your dedication is unbelievable. If I hadn't discovered your podcast around July of 2010 I don't know if I would even be playing WoW any more. So thank you for all you do, it is very appreciated!
wanted to wish you a Happy 300th episode and hope everyone is having a great holiday season.
Thank you so much for all the great fun 299 episodes ago and many more to come.
Thank you for ready all my crazy emails too through the years.
Hello CaW crew Apprillian, Ashayo, El Jeppy and Tedra.
We hope all our guild friends had a splendid christmas holiday. Please find attached our audio submission for the much celebrated episode 300 Yay!!!!!
Well done caw crew, big smiles and hugs all round :)
Much love,
the Nekrobobs
And remember undead love is forever…..
Hello CtrlAltWoW crew,
with the 300th episode of CtrlAltWoW being recorded, i should finally send a e-mail to this great show!!
I listened to Realm Maintenance with the Interview you guys gave, and it was a epic one, long, longer, CtrlAltWow long, and i loved every minute of it.
I really don't know how to begin, this show reflects so much of my philosophy of playing WoW, having fun in the game, playing different toons, i.e. having
many alts, in my case 9 Lvl 85(+) toons and 2 Lvl 90 ones, so i really love the game.
I love the lore of it, that has been established over the years Warcraft exists and the community-aspect of the game, more so in the past, but thats part
of another discussion i guess.
Trying to focus on my Main-toon ( a Frost DK ) is hard, because it is so much fun, playing the different classes and roles the game has to offer.
I play mainly on the Norgannon EU server and i joined BoE guild Pant on Head in the summer ( winter in their parts of the world ), because the way they
approch the game is so much like mine, having fun playing and hang out with friends and likeminded people.
Lately i have had some work-shedule issues, but i hope they will be resolved soon, so i can get back over there more often again.
Anyway, this podcast is so much for me, alll the people, that started listening and over time became ((semi)-regular) contributors to the podcast, the
friendships that formed because of that, and the community that formed around it.
When i started to listen the show, i loaded episodes onto my mp3 player and took them to work, listening to them, and ppll around me stoped and wondering
why i was laughing, if they only knew .
April, i so much am happy that YOU got the crew you have with you, you guys cover the whole of the game (and the chatroom ), and you do it so so well
and it such a great fashion, that is one of the great aspects of the show, no eliteism and so nice.
Finally i would like to thank all the contributors over the years for your big part you play in making this great show as great as it is. I have not listened to all the
episodes yet, because some are not available for download, it simply will not start, but thats besides the point, no, you guys out there, you do contribute so
much to the show, it simply would not be as great as it is (no offence, April, Ashayo, ElJeppy and Thedrah) and you know it, but i thought it should be said.
So, to all of you, and to all the listerners, i hope you all had a merry christmas and i wish all of you guys, and girls, a happy new year and at least another
300 episodes of CtrlAltWoW
Grand Nagus
P.S.: I would like to send a special bunch of good wishes out to 2 people i don't know personally, but i have grown to care about, like all the people in this
community of listeners, LEETA - all my best wishes in this hard time to you and yours, and the same to PIXIEGIRL - i hope you get better soon, the dark
hours of the day are getting fewer now each day again, keep your head up and remember the people that love you.
Lets see what random things come out of my mouth today
Big G
Dearest CAW Sweeties,
Get ready coz it's mega awesome group huggles time... yay!!!
Congrats on 300 wonderful episodes! You all are awesome!
Now to mark this very special occasion I have done something completely crazy!
Yes I finally did it... In honor of Episode 300 I wrote... a Dig Song Parody!
However only you all can get me to do something as crazy as this :)
Now please remember I CANNOT sing!!
Yet I hope this makes you smile just a little!
Big thank you to BlackXanthas for his help!
Love you all
hugs Leeta
Wish I had more time for stories, congrats, and thanks, but I decides to take the time with my fabulous wife and awesome kids instead. Had some Greenchy fun, ran scenarios and dungeons with my boys, played My Little Pony with my daughter, and had the mixture of pride and humility when my son finally out DPSed me.
For the Alliance! A bit for the Horde.
For the family!
Liteharted and his many alts
Shout Outs & Thank You
Clan of Darkness
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