Aprillian, Leeta, Rogueslayer and Tedrah discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. With segments by Grand Nagus and Donnie of Clan of Darkness. Contest Ongoing send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altaholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Juuno and Pixie Girl!
Hello ladies of CAW! Please disregard my earlier email as I was able to convert it to audio! I hope you're all doing great!!!
/great big hugs & kisses!
Juuno (and Pixiegirl!)
Love you!!!!
Good afternoon Aprillian, Rogueslayer, Tedra and the other awesome co-host you have this week :)
Hope everyone is doing great in and out of the game!
Aprillian thank you for asking me too join you on the show, would have loved to but as you know came down with some cold thingy. Which is trying to kick my butt really I sound like a murlock!
But do feel a little better today except the coughing O' well what ya goin do right, it is that time of year.
Any how this week on the game my mage (Kiche) got a hardened shell, which I had no idea what to do with since it just says Throw to dismount the target. So I tried throwing it several other players, nope didn't do anything. Tried throwing it at critter's still nothing, Then this flagged Ally came along, and O' yeah it worked!! He had his back to me so guessing he didn't see who or what hit him, and me I ran for the flight guy!! I laughed so hard I cried, and him he was not happy but I safely got away lol
Well hope our sweet Leeta is having a great time, the pictures she posted are beautiful! Thanks Leeta for sharing your wonderful country with us :)
That's it for me I'm off for a nap, not sure I'll make the raid tonight but may check in on all of you so have fun.
Love Pixie & Juuno
For the horde & Clan of Darkness
What We've Been Doing:
So sick of my bags being full. I put a bunch of Epril’s gems on ah and sold a bunch to the vendor. Ended up making a ton on the AH.
Cho sent me a red cricket pet, how nice and it was rare!
Armory update
Farming with the pally, facepalm
Grand Nagus
Going for the world event achievement of „Love is in the Air“
Hartnell helped me out on „Lonley“, meeting up with me in Dalaran.
Chocolate disapears after loggout?
Reins of the Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent Trelane and Ràvn on TI Ràvn
Going all out on The Tillers, next goal ist he School Bell for 50 Ironpaw tokens got 26 now,
cooking daylies and fishing to get fish to turn in for tokens,
trying to get Ancient pandaren fishing charm.
Got Death Adder Hatchling
2 more Secrets of the Empire then solo scenario with Wrathion
Reached Level 87 yesterday and is at 585 Jewelcrafting now.
Wanrong to be the next 90 for me
Remember everyone to check for the fish of the day, if you need any specific fish before flying around the world
What’s up with the no warning Wednesday realm maintenance?
- Sold 10 Sea Mist Noodles for 20g each. Rewards from post-The Way dailies
- I finally understood my Void Lord! “I will lead us into battle.”
- Tirion Fordring reminds me of Bill Murray impersonating Richard Burton. “The time for the Argent Crusade is now!”
- Baron Silver - “Tomorrow is another day.” I’m picturing him at Tara. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-OoIvgtuzs
- Saturday Crocolisk in the City quest! Got Snarly - the one I already had from I don’t remember when!
- Voltandra and Narendra got Muckbreath
- Everrose - Chuck
- Voltessa - Snarly #3
- Voltantrum - Toothy
- Saturday night - lvl 80. Breaking the Sound Barrier left me with 362 gold…
- Captured rares: Ash Lizard, Deepholm Cockroach, Malayan Quillrat #3. Had a rare Fungal Moth within reach, but died after three failed traps
- Sunday - archy from 13-207 (80.34 - 80.84) - I Had It in My Hand (find a rare), Digger (10 common)
- Used my Demonic Circle successfully against Baron Geddon
- Got stuck at 499 herbing. The 425 herbs were grey, next up were red. Bought an Herbalists’ Spade from Felika, +10, went Whiptail farming in Uldum (at lvl 81). Looted pristine hide.
- Working Around the Clock (two primary prof to 525)
- 85 on Monday!
- Green Acres (harvest something)
- Illustrious Grand Master cook
- Near 86, did pet battles to 86 then jumped off Serpent’s Spine and ran to Shrine of Two Moons. Back at Halfhill, leveled up to The Ways quests, needed fish ingredients…
- Fish or Cut Bait: Orgrimmar (still no Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat…)
- Tiny Green Carp triggered 1000 fish
- Found I had left her at Herbalism 1 when dumped Enchanting!
Falling, but winning
Dear CtrlAltWow,
This week I encountered a terrible beast, huge as a mountain, strong as an army of orcs.
Never before has I been so afraid of my life.
This monster chased me through the woods, and I was screaming, looking for an escape.
I saw a river an plunged into it, but the beast followed.
Then when I had lost all hope, I heared this mighty roar, like thunder.
A waterfall! I said to myself, this is my last chance, and I let the water take me.
Falling, I cought a glimpse of the beast staring down at me.
I bruised my back, but I was alive. And the beast did not follow.
I hope my letter find you all in good health and spirit,
and remember,
to take a fall, can save your life.
For the horde,
Well this week has been better than the last with the whole lack of grandfather being rushed to hospital and (family drama) and here’s my audio
Big G
Hello from Hartnell
Hello CAW Ladies!
Well, I've been spoiled for choice after having five characters restored, so I did the natural thing and rolled a new monk. Haha.
I have actually been pretty focused though, mostly playing Hartnell. It's 2012 over here basically as I am doing a lot of initial end game stuff for the first time. On top of that I'm listening to CAW episodes I missed from early MoP days so... Grata Ashayo on your Giant Sewer Rat!
Speaking of pets, I was overcome with gambling fever and blew all my coins on Timeless Chests. Fortunately, I got Bonkers in the process. Ook!
I did LFR for the first time, clearing Mogu'shan and Terrace of Endless Springs. I suspect these were tougher when people were less geared but I was pleased that I was never last on the healing meter. Got a couple upgrades and some sigils for the first part of the legendary cloak quest. Hartnell doesn't look quite as tough holding a fan instead of a shield but, hey, it's all about the iLevel I guess.
Other than that, I got exalted with the Tillers and there's currently a mushan bashing his head against a boulder in my farm. Don't trample the crops!!! And I leveled my Draenei DK from 80 to 84 and did some pet battles on my priest. Got my first level 10 pet. Seems to be a bit of a grind, yeah? Unless I'm doing something wrong.
Anyway, loving be a part of CoD and loving the podcast.
For the Horde, for the red blossom leeks (they make the Halfhill world go 'round) and for the TARDIS,
ok I finally sent a audio in. I was nervious as you can here it in my voice so be nice.
Addon Spotlight:
with Grand Nagus
General advice on updating your addons Curse Client or Wow Matrix
CoD Leveling
Note on levels - Nothing on Friday, tons on Sunday, then this week 3 days of maintenance
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun:
- Segwick
- Stegatamed
- McKay
- Matahornne
Shout Outs & Thank You
Ravn contest

Clan of Darkness
Hello Ctrlaltwow Crew
It has never happened that I write to you 2 weeks in a row but I come bearing a gift.
I won the top 25 in Guild activity competition we had last week in the game. I won an Armored Bloodwing and I thank Donnie for the gift. I already have this mount so I thought I would give it to you Ladies to give away.
You might be able to have a competition of your own and get somebody to make you a new Email bumper.
Anyway I love the new line up. You Ladies are awesome. Have a great week.
Sincerely Matahorn
Ps I must thank Donnie for letting me give away my prize.
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