Aprillian, Leeta, Vrishna and Rogueslayer discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's greatest MMORPG. The show features audio segments and email submissions from our lovely listeners.
If you want to join the conversations on the show, we have a live chatroom with in-game giveaways moderated by chatroom-chick Tedrah. We record every Friday at 6 p.m. EST / 8 a.m. (Sat. Australia’s time), on our Ustream page! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ctrl-alt-wow-world-of-warcraft-podcast
We also have an ongoing contest. Send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altoholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Juuno’s delightful adventures
Hello CAW darlings!
Uh ohhhh....prepare yourselves...I kinda get ranty...I'm sorry! I was annoyed at the time I recorded this...hehehe...I probably should have waited and just done it later when I wasn't annoyed...
Love you guys & gals!
/great big hugs & kisses! *muah* 
Juuno of Earthen Ring and Korialstrasz
What We've Been Doing:
1/ Iron Leitta - Orc Hunter - Lvl59 - Lvl60!!
Went over to Swamp of Sorrows to continue the questing. Got through most quests I was given however ran out after doing all the little goblin encampments. No quests showed at Stonard… which I thought was usual!
So headed back to Winterspring!
FINALLY picked up a lovely grey gun Lvl52!
And then…
DING LVL60!! \o/
Went straight back to Orgrimmar and got my flying!
I Believe I Can Fly!
Now was the time to go get my bow/gun upgrade!
Hello Outland Portal!!
Headed to Shat via flight path. Then flew over to Stonebreaker Hold!
Stone from WoW Challenges advised me to do some exploring first then finish quests in Winterspring, Silithus etc before going to start questing in Outlands!
So flew low and managed to get zone exploring for:-
- Azshara
- Ashenvale
- Felwood
- Moonglade
- Winterspring
- Hyjal
- Durotar
- Northern Barrens
- Southern Barrens
Xp ranged from 8 - 1010!
Also was advised by Asy that using a turtle or bear for a Hunters pet is best so alas poor Charlie the ‘Crocodile’ has been retired to the stables!
Helloooooo Zoot!
2/ Iron Leitah - Human Warlock - Lvl32-34
Questing in Northern Stranglethorn is so good as lots of quests!
Headed down to Cape of Stranglethorn. Managed few but quests were yellow!
Fly up to Arathi Highlands as green quests in my log!
Ding Lvl34! \o/
3/ Ironleetar - Dwarf Warrior - Lvl10-13
Questing in Dun Morogh has been good fun! Even went up to Airfield and did quests there!
Headed to Loch Modan for questing now. Managed to find a Rare Trogg and dinged!
Ding Lvl13!
4/ Ironleetah - Undead Priest - Lvl10-12
Still questing in Tirisfal! I do love that zone!!
Ding Lvl12! \o/
5/ Feasts Galore!
Guild achievement we are working on Dinner Party!
So I decided to do some tests of the feasts I had in my banks! Found some interesting things :-
- Draenor Feasts do NOT count!
- Pandarian Feasts DO count!
- Great Pandaren Banquet DOES count!
- Seafood Magnifique Feast DOES count!
- Fish Feast DOES count!
Making Feast Patterns!
Feasts Fire!
6/ Pet Battles
Most of my time has been doing Garrison Tamers, Tanaan Legendary Pets and Celestial Tournament!
Warcraft Pets - http://www.warcraftpets.com
Lumber Yard on Aprillian
Iron toons Ironaprilpal and Aprilironwar dinged 10. Did quests north of Orgrimmar for the first time. Becoming shredder
Aprillian & Vrishna
Balloons & Dailies
Leading Aprillian along the RARE Trail !
2 NEW RARES !!!!
Lvl 77 !
More hugs & more pets !
Some achievements !
Lvl 78
Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat !!!
Sorry Raz, but business is business
IV 1.45
All the chests, all the rares and zoomin’ along, until ...
My new Darkside toon …
(all the way to 19)
Ironicide, dwarf paladin iron
- 5 -
- At Ironforge Airfield, boarded the taxi instead of the bomber. After how many times doing this??
- Had the Loch Modan quest from adventurer’s guide, couldn’t get the one with the flight. Dropped the AG one, got the other one
- Lvl 18 - Divine Shield (bubble)!
- Picked up 2 netherweave bags at AH
- - 19
Daxmora, tauren hunter
- 74 -
- Fishing up terrorfish takes a while when skill starts around 200… 1st one at 219, 10th at 258
- - 75
Fishing story & Big G nemesis update
Hello CAW crew,
It's great to hear from you every week and to find out what you are up to in game, it gives me many ideas on things I could do different or new things I could try on my alts.
I was pleasantly surprised in a voicemail this week from the Big G where he referred to me "Constraxx" as his Nemesis. Coming from the Big G that is way cool, I never thought of my human rogue as a nemesis to anyone before and I'm really welcoming the Big G's comment, if anyone could let me know what Class and Race his main is, I would definitely keep a lookout for him and be reminded every BG I play when I down an fierce opponent of that combination on the other side... The Big G is someone I admire, he just has perfect delivery on the events of the week. I'm sad he has no internet at the moment, but I keep listening to hear of his news.
I'm having sort of a crisis on my Rogue in PvP, everyone wants me to carry the flag, but there are other achievements I want to work on like return 5 flags in a single PvP match on warsong Gulch. My time is very limited so it's hard to PvP a lot.
I look forward to your amazing show every week :D
A tall tale of fishing :
My Night elf warrior is about 7 feet tall, usually walking around in fury spec all the time. Back in Cataclysm I leveled archeology and farmed 7 months for the recipe : vial of the sands. His fishing was only about level 50, so he would only level it when darkmoon fair came around and he was quite low on the list of alts going there, so usually sunday night I would do his profession quests at about 20 minutes before the fair ended, he was alt #7 on alliance, alchemy was maxed already.
In Pandaria my main got to be Best Friend with Nat Pagle, since my warrior could not fish up albino cavefish by himself, my main had to drag himself to the silver marsh in deepholm to catch fish every week, I ain't paying no dang 50 gold per fish on the AH, that's just F********(insert blank space here) stupid, after fishing up about 500 fish I got tired of going there with my main to do menial fishing so I bought the Nat Pagle Fishing journal and boosted my fishing at the tune of 3k to 425 where the warrior could fish up his own albino cavefish.
The warrior probably fished up 6000 of those things, but the skill up was going up dreadfully slow on those pools so he kept going to darkmoon fair every 2 or 3 months for the +5 fishing quest. When I got to fishing 590, I thought to myself as I listened to Row on episode 198 of Girls gone WoW talking about the queen of the Sea Turtles : EJ. I'm thinking : "hmmm, that sea turtle mount drops in the cataclysm pools" I wonder how hard it would be to get, and I wonder if it will drop in deepholm for me as I'm leveling to 600.
You can guess what happened, 3 cast later the sea turtle dropped. My warrior rides that thing all the time now, he really really likes fishing up his own albino cavefish, he recently got 700 fishing with little effort.
P.S. : (I already have the gronnling mount but I thought a good story was worth mentioning)
Hope you have a wonderful show :D
Don, a.k.a. constraxxone (pronounced Konstraks)
Kurly Audio
Another week still no internet
So once again another week has past still playing hearthstone and that's about it for in game anyway. Outside of game it's been another busy week no roving bands of teens seen this week passed the final inspection now just waiting to get my bond back. Dropped a fresh pizza out of the over on my crotch at work and let out a stream of harsh words. So yer it's been a week.
For the Horde
For the alliance
For the Sandgrophers
Big G out seeya
Rigarmorty audio
Greetings CAW crew,
i finally beat back the IRL boss.
Attached is a short audio for this week.
Each week GrandNagus takes a closer look at some of the most useful World of Warcraft addons out there.
You can find GrandNagus on Twitter @GrandNagus1, or by email at towerofcommerce@gmail.com
Guild Updates: 1/15 (post-show) - 1/22 (showtime)
Achievement watch: Dinner Party: Place 1379 /1500 feasts (last week 1120)
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Last week’s 100’s: Fulgens
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun: --- ---
Competition Time No.1l
Competition created by Sherriey to give away the Gronnling Mount!
1/ Submit an entry about your best fishing stories in Azeroth. It can be a true in-game fishing story or a tall tale!
2/ Write an email or record an audio and send it into CAW before or on Ep460.
3/ The winner will be announced on CAW’s Ep460!
4/ Please make sure that you have a toon in Clan of Darkness on Earthern Ring US - to make it easier for your prize to be given out.
5/ Please put CAW Fishing Competition in the subject line.
Guild Chat App - Discord
Trying a 24/7 chat app for guildies to join and just keep in contact and have chats with during IRL :) Also has a voice channel just like vent/mumble! And very easy to use! :)
And we have a CtrlAltWoW Server - so check out the link above for invite.
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