Aprillian, Leeta, Vrishna and Rogueslayer discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's greatest MMORPG. The show features audio segments and email submissions from our lovely listeners.
If you want to join the conversations on the show, we have a live chatroom with in-game giveaways moderated by chatroom-chick Tedrah. We record every Friday at 6 p.m. EST / 8 a.m. (Sat. Australia’s time), on our Ustream page! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/ctrl-alt-wow-world-of-warcraft-podcast
We also have an ongoing contest. Send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altoholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Juuno’s delightful adventures
Hello Ctrl Alt Wow darlings! Aprillian, Vrishna, Rogueslayer, Tedra & Leeta! & the chat room! I hope you're all doing GREAT today! I'm doing well...I didn't get an audio done because I'm Black Fridayshopping... wheeee!!! Wish me luck, haha!
I didn't get any of my normal progression stuff done this week because of the ALPHA! Woohoo!!!! I got in and had to download it onto my little laptop because they're not doing apple support yet (and anybody who makes a "get a real computer" joke ought to be slapped, by the way... ;) but I have to tell you...I think they may have just made Demon Hunters JUST FOR ME!!! Hehehe! I love them SO much!!!!!!
Okay, I promise more next week... must focus on my driving for now...lol!
/great big hugs & kisses!
For the Horde, for the Alliance, and for braving these insane crowds,
this is Juuno of Earthen Ring and Korialstrasz
What We've Been Doing:
Turkey hunting macro:
/target wild
/run SetRaidTarget("target", 1)
Aprillian &
Chests ...
Nice view !
Disappearing chest !
Lurzan down when I’m only 20 !
Taming Krethis … again !
Killing Creepthess
Made it ! Arathi Highlands !
Level 30 at Hammerfall !
And dead, in Stromgarde Keep
On to Ferrogirl, IV 1.43
Level 15
Auction coup !
Ironcrazed, NE hunter iron
- 57 -
- Explore Burning Steppes
- Fighting Flamekin Torchers, someone came riding down the road kiting about 7-8, turned on me! Disengaged AND feigned death
- Three “delivery for” quests from Morgan’s Vigil - couldn’t find easily, didn’t want to get caught up, moved on to Swamp of Sorrows mid-58
- Marshtide Watch quests at 59, no riding through fields of battle
- 59 - Assault on Stonard quests green, but NPC’s 60. Back to Winterspring
- Lvl 60 after the mechanical yeti joke
- Took several tries, but AH’d purple pants for 3000 gold!
- Winterspring Quests, Explore Winterspring - back to Swamp of Sorrows
- 1000 quests!
- Swamp of Sorrows Quests
- - 60
Hersilliness, goblin warlock iron
- 21 -
- Ghostlands
- Dead Scar - didn’t notice voidy was gone until fighting a dreadbone sentinel. Fought, tossed corruption, ran, rocket jumped ran some more. Turned around to find Lurzon. Ran some more!
- Yellow, so back to Crossroads, ride to Ratchet
- 23 at Ratchet finish, off to Nozzlepot’s Outpost after a visit to Ratchet’s cloth and leather armor merchant
- - 23
Bloodrager, human warrior blood thirsty
- 20 -
- 21 got caught up in the same gnoll gang that has done in other challengers...
- 22 - new spell! Heroic throw - yay! Out of rested, so back to inn.
Lilbitironic, gnome priest iron
- 25 -
- Loch Modan
- 26 new spell! Dispel Magic - yay?
- Explore Loch Modan
- 250 quests
- Mid-29 out of rested, but so close to 30!
- Did Angerfang Encampment quest, one Greenwarden’s Grove -> 30!
- Resting up.
Crannger, dwarf paladin
- 1 - boost
- Never made a dwarf pally
- Comes with a bunch of followers, 500 gold, 640 gear, lumbermill, forge, herb garden, mine
Request to Join Guild
Hi, I've been listening to the podcast for quite a while. Really enjoy it! I've decided I'd like to join in the fun and do a Challenge toon while the original challenge (without a spec) is still available. I've created a character on Earthen Ring named Zerzza who will be my banker and guild member. My challenge toon will be a hunter but I'm not sure which race yet. I hope that Zerzza can be a member of the Clan of Darkness.
Tavern Brawl
Finally got my day off but been to busy for anything but hearthstone for its awesome.
For the horde
For the alliance
For the sandgroper
And for having some reason for audio next week G out
Rigarmorty update
Greetings CAW Crew,
Sorry for a lack of an audio though i did do as short shout out video on Periscope but that only is viewable for 24 hrs ( link to my posted tweet below).
Not played much Wow this week as it's been a busy one and my R&R yesterday was great. i have next week off so plenty of Wow ahead!
See you all in game.
Rigarmorty (@Rigarmorty) tweeted at 5:17 pm on Fri, Nov 27, 2015:
LIVE on #Periscope: Quick shout out on way home https://t.co/anGjYwARJf
Each week GrandNagus takes a closer look at some of the most useful World of Warcraft addons out there.
You can find GrandNagus on Twitter @GrandNagus1, or by email at towerofcommerce@gmail.com
Guild Updates: 11/21 - 11/27 (showtime)
Achievement watch: Daily Anticipation: 145,755 /150,000 daily quests (last week 145,527)
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Last week’s 100’s: Tynkr, Oakes, Keillah, Hellsangel, Shadowhawk
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun: --- ---
Shout Outs & Thank You
Big shout-out to Leeta from the chat room and your adoring co-hosts!
My condolences to the family of a fellow railroader Jephthe Chery, a good young man taken too soon. He will be missed:
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