What We've Been Doing:
There's a Fishing Daily in TB and UCPets Stay with us
Flask of Mojo and many others grey
Thurs night
Found Dailies in Thunder Bluff
Champions clap for you
Using Tiiaa to get CW done
CW in Dal, couldn't find it in Shat. Will google later
Got an Oracle hatchling!
picked up [Arcanum of Blissful Mending] for Tiiaa on Aprillian and traded it right away.
While on CW, did the Uldum Warchief quest, escorting into Uldum
Aprillian got exalted with aie
Found dailies on O's Hammer but weren't right dailies. Kept getting Tanuka rep
Did the last Argent Crusade quest and no dailies opened up ??? With Epril, Astarå and Tiiaa
Ran HOL but kept dying because...
Tiiaa became Exalted with Sunreavers, island dailes opened up
Astarå completed UC Valiant quest, now on to Orgrimmar, almost Exalted with UC, last faction
Bags were full when we did Get Kraken, open a ticket
Got the cloth BOA helm for Astarå but now I really want the plate one, even though it has no int or spirit
Decided to log into all of my toons today.
Got a response to my ticket, got the tooth
used free 7 day trial on one account just to see what was there
Decided to go with the Leather helm for Astarå. I had brought one for my Druid Drame but they're on the same account
Ran HOL with Epril, Auruk, Tiiaa and Astarå
Aprillian & Vrishna
Mon Night TOC!Did Get Kraken with Auruk, Aprillian and Virinya got tooth
Ashayo/Asheal- Dual boxing Uldum. Seems to be more "collect 6 of these" that require double kills in Uldum
- Got alot of JC tokens. What to do with em!
- Archeology 225, 260
Started questing on Wight Sunday night.Picked up a core hound in Hyjal. Called it cuddles
Hey Hey
Hey Hey CtrlAltWow Crew,
Darkness Rules
Hello Gang,
Throw an Email on the Podmcast
Hi Aprillian, Ashayo, El Jeppy and Vrishna
Melindria writing to you – I have only written twice before, but that is still two times more letters than I have sent to any other podcast.
Although my original toon Melindria is Alliance, as with most altoholics I have played Horde and Alliance on a variety of servers. When you started a Ctrl – Alt – Wow guild on the Alliance side I was sorely tempted to start up a new toon to join you, but the demands on my time then were such that I could not count on being there with any regularity.
Now with your guild on Earthern Ring, the moons and planets are in alignment, and my husband and I have started toons in your incredibly friendly guild. We were having so much fun that we actually levelled through to purple AND KEPT ON PLAYING!! We have no RAF running, nor heirlooms, so whatever progress we make will be the groundbreaking start for a flurry of new toons that may eventually join you.
I just wanted to let any other listeners know that joining is easy, after sending in an email to the show, and the fun, frivolity and camaraderie are great. As those who have met me already in C.O.D. know I like to use vent because my typing is atrocious. I can never get the spelling right while at the same time being speedy.
I am an Aussie, and would love to hear more Aussie accents in vent ( or really any accents, since to me Ashayo is the only one on CAW that has no accent). So if you live “Down Under” and have been thinking of joining, throw another email into the podcast, and sign up, because in the words of that infamous advertising campaign “Where the Bloody Hell are you?”
For the Alliance
For the Horde
And For the Fun
Melindraya Clan of Darkness Earthen Ring ( 20 Hunter when I started this email 30 by this podcast I hope)
Melindria ( Dalaran) ( 85 Hunter)
And many others
A long time comming
Hi Aprillian, Ashayo, Vrishna and El Jeppy
I am writing in again after a long time, with lots of inspiration encouragement from my involvement with the new guild I have just joined. In a moment of madness my wife and I rolled 2 Goblin’s on Earthen Ring called Fortetwo and Melendrya .
We did our research.
This was pre Patch 4.1 without the guild advertising panel.
We looked at Guild levels, Raiding times, range of toons , guild ranking and their policy on killing Rabbits.
With the last point being the most critical we promptly joined “Clan of Darkness”
We had a wonderful time last Saturday / Sunday levelling to 20 ish on our Druid that drops totems and a hunter and meeting some of your wonderful contributors in guild chat and vent.
One question for Vrishna . At the northern end of Mulgore as you cross over the range into Stonetalon Mountains there are some rabbits with axes in their mouths and they kill Prairie dogs .
They look very scary – in fact they look like killer bunnies ( a great card game if you have never played it)
Can we kill THESE rascally rabbits ??
For the Clan of Darkness ,
For Elmer Fudd who never got those waskelly wabbits
PS thank you all for an entertaining and informative podcast
audio submission take 2
hey all, please find attached my audio submission. hopefully better sound
quality though it appears i just have a quiet voice as far as the
microphone is concerned..
Rigarmorty Audio Episode 215
Contribution from a fan
Dear Control Alt WoW,
I started listening to the CAW podcast just before Verishna was allowed his own segment. CAW quickly became my number one WoW podcast.
Enjoying the updates and stories from the many show contributors has inspired me to at least try to participate.
Leveling was slow during the classic WoW days, especially on a PvP server. It took me several days to learn how to take down those wolves in Mulgore without dying. Just when I thought I would get my first wolf I accidently backed into a buzzard which proceeded to rip me apart. I fell, face forward with that Tauren half grunt, half moan sound. After a few more days I finally impressed someone enough that they invited me to join a party. My first party, I was ecstatic. I proceeded to follow him out of Mulgore into the strange new world of “The Barrens”. We soon passed through Camp Taurajo and onto a larger more populated town named Crossroads. During whole trip I was in awe of the vast extensive world. My new acquaintance eventually wandered off and I was solo again, but I didn’t care because this was a new world filled with new people all bustling about. In truth my party probably left me as I had yet learned to use the chat window and didn’t communicate beyond the white “say” text. I didn’t feel lonely though, there was a group of players outside the Inn running, jumping, throwing spells and seemed to be having a grand time. I stood by and watch for a few minutes. Suddenly, another party invite popped up, I eagerly accepted hoping for new explorations and adventure, and at the same time a big pole was planted in the ground in front of me. Did it have anything to do with the invite I just accepted? I wasn’t sure and didn’t have a lot of time to think about it because someone was stabbing me in the back over and over again until I went down on my knees. Yea, I still had a lot to learn in this brave new world, but my blood was pumping with excitement!
Hope to contribute more,
Hello CAW Crew
Greetings CAW Crew - Leeta here again.
Greetings from Brew Dawg
Greetings from Brew Dawg,
I had a good week in game. Did a little raiding and had the best in slot staff drop off of Halfus for Brewdawg. Ran the new ZG with people from my Wrath raid team. We one-shot or two-shot all except the last boss. We ran out of time after 4-5 attempts. It was a lot of fun running with old friends. Did some research and now I know what we were doing wrong so we will get him next time.
In honor of BRK (Big Red Kitty) returning to WoW I dropped my Marksman spec for Beast Master on my hunter. I've never played BM so it's been fun learning the rotation and taming exotic pets. After a day of checking his spawn point and path every couple of hours I found and tamed Ghostcrawler my first Spirit Beast. I'm normally creative with pet names but I just went with Greg.
"Shh we're Hunting Wabbits" moved to Cata dungeons last week. To date we've completed normal Black Rock Caverns, Throne of Tides, and Stonecore. Currently we are level 80-83. We tried Vortex Pinnacle but I had to bring BrewDawg in to complete the instance.
My DK Dureau (Du-roe) dinged 85 Friday and tanked his first heroic with on Sunday. Got Grim Batol, only one wipe on the last boss. DPS didn't follow my instructions and ignored the adds. They heal and buff the boss so they must be taken down quickly. Really like DK tanking. He puts out a lot of AOE threat compared to my feral tank. I'm spending a lot of time playing Dureau to get him raid ready. I'll try to get him into Clan of Darkness soon(Trade Mark Blizzard Entertainment).
Keep up the great show!
It's almost Wednesday again?!?
Sorry I missed last week's show but at least I was able to whip something together for this week. Enjoy!

I'm Sorry .......
No audio this week as I have run out of time to record something but mostly my week has been spent lvling Dropbear to lvl 29 getting both my fishing and cooking daily achievements and chatting to guildies. I had a great chat with whats her name oh dam its gone right out of my head she knows who she is and she also has a toon called fortetwo or something like that and I like to say again I am the person she warns her kids about sorry if I had more time I would have looked up her name and used my talking voice but yer so.
For the Horde
For the Alliance
For the Sandgrophers
And for the clan of darkness theam song
New audio from kithore
Update for Iceflow and Caoboi
HI all!
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