... for people who love Virtual Reality and love making lots of alts. -Published Weekly
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 334 - We on! We’re off! We’re on again!
Aprillian, Ashayo, Tedrah and Jeppy discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. Contest Ongoing send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altaholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Juuno and PixieGirl:
Hello Ctrl Alt Wow Darlings!!
Here's a little audio from Mom & I (sorry I missed last week!) Hope you're all doing wonderfully this week.
/great big hugs & kisses!
Juuno & Pixiegirl
p.s. Here are some links from things I mention... =D
p.p.s. I will get that email bumper redone, I promise! hehehe
What We've Been Doing:
Took Ashayo’s advice, Leveled Emperor Crab to 25 and then turned it blue
leveling Proto Drake and other pets that I can cage
Still working on the Green Fire Quest
Monk leveller
- Ran Utgarde Keep 8 times before getting Nexus
- Hit 72 and ran myself through Violet Hold in Dalaran, but as much XP as running at level, and not much faster!
- Looking at upgrading 1-80 heirlooms to 85; being stingy on what toon's justice points gets used ; but would require 85 DK to do some LFG
- Oculus - last boss still a pain
- Finding new spells in my books because you don't notice learning them when you ding in a dungeon
Quite a few new rare pets this week - all thanks to my personal pet hunter, Leeta!
- Got my 20 secrets. Next step: Unlock the thunder forge (done?!) and meet Wrathion.
- Solo Scenario - The Thunder Forge. RAAAGE
- Started off interested ; get npc thought I could heal it. As a healer, my DPS spec gear is terrible
- Last boss - Sha of Amalgamation is stupid hard. Ended up "cheating"
- Attacked Nalak when alliance fighting. No spawn to kill
Hello everyone and hope you are all doing well.
Long time no email as I have not played wow in a while, really forgot how long.
Hope all of you have been doing well and having fun in and out of game.
I have not reactivated my accounts yet but after I get back from my Ireland/London trip :) I will by mid September.
I know I have a lot of material to catch up and level uping to do :)
Until that time wish you all good times and happy wowing!!!
For the return of MO!
Heya's CAW crew. Kyari here, I've been meaning to write into the podcast for....... well I'm not going to say. Will just say for along long time =)
Been a fan of the show for a long time, I look forward too it each week. I listen too a lot of podcasts probably sub to over 50 easily. And yours is one of the most unique and
looked forward to the most. Its not the normal lets just read off the newest wow news etc. It's fun and interesting too listen to what everyone has been up, and always provides
new ideas of other things to do in the game(well except April we know shes been pet battling =) J/K
I've been a die hard hunter all my wow life and altaholic/pack rat. I left the game for about 1 1/2 years recently played some rift(yeah that's for you Juuno =) Which was awesome but
ran into the same issue when i left wow everyone else i was playing with quit between xpac's . Well being away for 1 1/2 did have one positive it cleaned up my pack rat issue, since i had to
mail back and forth between toons all my junk. So losing over 5k frostweave etc. sucked but at least i don't have to waste hours each week mailing back and forth. Most the frostweave was from
Northrend rares had over 500 kills, I love hunting rares.
It is a sad day just found out the tcg is done with. I've spent way too much money on tcg but I've gotten so many neat toys, mounts etc. cough spectral tiger =) (my baby) so it's very sad too see it
go away. Just did a scroll of rez too my 2nd account and figured why not put my free lvl. 80 a hunter of coarse and put it on earthen ring and join COD. So i'm hoping to get a invite too join
COD(not sure how or who i talk to from here?)
Like i said I'm a big fan of the tcg and have enclosed two codes for loot cards you can do what ya want with. And look forward too seeing all of you in game and of coarse taking down Garrosh.
Plus its been a long time but my old guild was a great bunch of people and i would throw a game night type thing. Where we'd have little games contests for everyone in the guild and I'd give away tcg
codes as prizes. Simple stuff hide and seek, first one too collect so many of this, race to a certain point, costume contest etc. Was always a lot of fun but my old guild is pretty much DOA now.
Well i could ramble on for hours, maybe i can think of something interesting too contribute to the podcast on a regular basis. Guess I'll have too put on my thinking cap then wait I'd have to find it first.
Keep up the great work i love the podcast so much, so refreshing and different then many of the other stale stuff on the internet. You all rock Aprillian, Ashayo, Jeppy, Tedrah, and of course Juuno and Pixie girl's
segment is always entertaining. Thanks again Kyari (Cenaris) Kayari(Earthen Ring)
Grand Nagus (audio)
Hello CAW crew,
this is Grand Nagus and here is my submission for CAW 334 and the links that are connected to "Focus on Lore" and the addons:
Focus on Lore: Sylvanas Windrunner Shortstory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/game/lore/leader-story/sylvanas-windrunner/1
Addon Spotlight: Factionizer: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/factionizer
I hope you all have a great show, cya in game or the chatroom
Grand Nagus
Shout Outs & Thank You
Clan of Darkness
Saturday, August 24, 2013
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 333 - Half a beast!
Aprillian, Ashayo, Tedrah and Jeppy discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. Contest Ongoing send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altaholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Juuno & Pixiegirl
Hello Ctrl Alt Wow darlings! I'm sorry...I am feeling under the weather today and am really wishing I'd done my CAW earlier in the week because now I don't have any audio for you...
but I DO have an email from Pixiegirl! Yay Mom! And here it is:
"Hiya Aprillian, Ashayo, Eljeppy, Tedra, and all of our wonderful, awesome, amazing guildies & listener's :)
Not much to report for this past week, I didn't stay last Friday for our runs :( Wasn't feeling very well, but I'm getting better!
Though I did log on one night and had a blast with Befriet, Diz and the lovely Lisa, we ran five dungeons lol Once you get those three started it's over, you're staying... can't leave and miss out! And Diz did a great job healing plus with Befriet tanking we had no problems, of course having two awesome 'locks sealed the deal. We missed Tirefire though... most of the time he is with us on our adventures. :)
Juuno has come up with an idea for our guild to get some achievements that so far we don't have, and I'll let her tell you all about that. I think it's a good idea, but still would love to have input from all of you. Most of it will be a walk in the park & shouldn't take long at all, plus it will open up more things for us to buy from the guild vendor. I don't know about you, but there are still a couple of things I would like to have, say a pet or two! But please let us know what you think, this is a family and as such we all have a say on what we do.
But this also brought up another problem for me, I know that raids lock and in order to get most of these done as fast as we can, I took my mage out of AIE and now she is in the Clan of Darkness. I don't know if I was right about doing that, I thought having a few toons working raids would be better than just a couple. And I want to say I'm sorry about leaving, it wasn't anything to do with AIE, more to do with my daughter and my awesome friends in the Clan of Darkness.
But I am thinking about bringing my alliance warlock, Pixiegirl, over to Earthen Ring and if AIE will have her, I would love to join again a little down the road. :)
I can't have two 'locks in the same guild, Pixie doesn't like to share! lol
Anyway hope everyone is kicking butt on and off the game!
Big hugs & kisses
PS Just so you know I think all of you are awesome, amazing, wonderful... the greatest!"
OH...so, I thought maybe we could work on all of the Guild Raid Achievies! Guild Classic Raider, Guild Outland Raider, Glory of the Lich King Raider, Glory of the Cataclysm Raider (you get the Reins of the Dark Phoenix for that one!), We Are Legendary, A Legendary Collection, The Ultimate Collection, etc etc....there are several. We could work on whichever one we have the right people for, so if we have lower levels..no problem! Eventually we'll have plenty of 90s to even tackle the Cata ones!! Diz told me that we already have all of the Guild Dungeon achieves, so this is just a way we can collectively contribute to the guild achievements (in our own laid-back & fun CoD kinda way...hehehe ;) Alright...I'm heading back to bed.. <=)
We love you guys and gals!
Great big hugs & kisses!
For the Horde, for the Alliance, and for the CoD style of raiding!! hehe
Juuno of Korialstrasz and Earthen Ring
What We've Been Doing:
Darshi dings 85, going from 81 to 85 on pet battles
Challenge 1
Created soulwell without help
Pet battling with Aprillian, maggot didn’t get xp.
Shamaya’s Youtube channel
5.4 dropping 10th Sep ; What to do to prepare! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/10702332/Preparing_for_Patch_54_Siege_of_Orgrimmar-8_21_2013
Dreadwastes - Started with 31,600g
Dread Haste makes Dread Waste 33,380g (1780g)
Anti-climatic ; didn't get Loremaster on this toon
Running LFR to get [Secrets of the Empire] for legendary quest. Had 8 last week ; now got 19 - one to go! Any gear drop was just a bonus.
- Got targeted by a beam ; healers need to know strats!
- Won tier helm ; last 483 item gone!
- Won a [Living Sandling] off Council of Elders.
Levelling my mist weaver Monk through Burning Crusade dungeons. Fun!
Did an entire dungeon just using Spinning Crane Kick.
Ran the Netherstorm dungeons with Ralff and some Rift folks to get to 68 after 12 dungeons 60-68
A deep sense of shame!
Behind the Avatar
Helloooo CAW Sweeties,
You all know what time it is... Come on - everyone in... It's group huggles time!!! /squee :)
Well I am back from my holidaying adventures - had a lovely break yet it is so good to be home! When I got home I walked in and hugged my computer and modem hehe so good to get back to decent internet and no lag :D
I have not had a huge amount of game time since I've been home however when I'm on I have been levelling my hunter with doing Pet Battles in Valley of the Four Winds and Vale of the Eternal Blossoms. I hit Lvl88 last night on her as well as getting the Pro Pet Crew Achievement - Raise 30 pets to Level 25. Also been chasing a few more pets to upgrade from a lower quality to rare quality.
However I have not spent all my time ingame doing Pet Battles :p I've been slowly levelling few lowbie alts on various servers - really just isn't enough hours in the day to get everything done that I would like to - lol.
Well that is all from me this week. Hope you all have a super awesome week!
Love & Huggles to you all
Leeta xoxo
PS - Big thank you for all the kind words about Bailey - he is greatly missed!
PPS - Big shout out to Wingy - Thank you so much for the Pet Battle & Karaoke fun and the Tiny White Carp pet - you rock! :D
Have great show!
xoxo Leeta
Big G (audio)
Another busy week out of game another short audio
Wren and Morgaine (audio)
Hello CAW Crew!
Another show under our belts, and free time once more to be had.
It was a fun experience, and we made new friends, which is always good.
As we're writing this we are celebrating our wedding anniversary with some wine and maybe some WoW, but first we took a break from the former to write a song about the latter.
Hope you guys enjoy it!
PS: We have played a alittle WoW in the past few months, and wren is up to 7 alliance 90's and 1 horde. And Morgaine is up to 2 and 1.
For the horde, For the alliance. For the "Did I really take a part time job as an entertainer working for Big Bird?"
Wren and Morgaine
Grand Nagus (audio)
Hello CAW crew,
This is my submission for CAW 333 and the links to the addons i talk about:
ChatColorSync: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/chat-color-sync
Farmhand: http://www.curse.com/addons/wow/farmhand
Cya all in game or the chatroom
Grand Nagus
Shout Outs & Thank You
Wren and Morgaine - Happy anniversary!!
Thank you Donnie for the generous Donnie
Clan of Darkness
Donnie (audio)
Here you go gang!
5.4 is just around the corner so level them alts while you can!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 332 - Take The Drake and Run!
Aprillian, Ashayo, Tedrah and Jeppy discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. Contest Ongoing send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altaholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Juuno & Pixiegirl
Hello Ctrl Alt Wow Darlings!!
We hope everyone's doing super awesome this morning/afternoon! We had a blast raiding last night...we really have some VERY funny people in our guild!!! hehehee We've sent in some audio (won't mention where we dropped it this time though...teehee ;) and hope you all have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday to Mrs. Nekronomicon!!
Also, we're terribly sorry to Leeta for her sweet Baily... we're sorry, Leeta...sending you much love and huggles... XOXOXO!!!
/great big hugs & kisses!
Juuno & Pixiegirl
p.s. Pixie's not feeling well this weekend, but hopefully she'll be all better by next Friday night's raid! Love ya!
What We've Been Doing:
Challenge for the week: Win a [Temple of Kotmogu] and [Silvershard Mines]
I found an [Anubisath Idol] on the AH for 2500. I’m leveling it along with a Little Fawn, because the Little Fawn can heal groups.
Heroic Scenario
LFR - 8 secrets of the empire this week. Seems pretty good.
Got [The Longest Day] , but didn't do them all in one day
Won a Living Fluid pet off LFR
Dreadwastes - Started with 31,600g
Started doing Thunder Isle again to get Black Prince rep on Jekle
Solo scenario to open mines is tough on undergeared hunter when flying dragon to dragon. Out of ranged for ranged, and no pet help
[Eternally in the Vale] is becoming a Feat of Strength in 5.4 ; trying to get it done before hand.
Rogueslayer (audio)
Greetings to my dear friends at Ctrl-Alt-WoW!
After reducing my playtime for a short while, Voltantrum and I have again been playing like mad. Remember she started during Midsummer Fire Festival, to see how many flames she could get at a low level? Well, now she's up to level 86. I've largely been ignoring the rest of the toons, aside from running the monks through their daily trips to Peak of Serenity in order to build up that bonus XP buff.
In the attached audio, Voltandra passes along some thoughts she's had while cooling her heels at the usual inns. I hope you all enjoy it!
-Voltandra's player
Big G (audio)
Only a little audio this week sorry got family over
Grand Nagus (audio)
Hello CAW crew,
this is my submission for this week, sry that is a bit longer then usual, i had to stop myself to not make it even longer:)
Shout Outs & Thank You
Clan of Darkness
Here you go gang!!!
Take care,
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