Aprillian, Ashayo, Tedrah and Jeppy discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. Contest Ongoing send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altaholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Juuno’s Corner
Hello Darlings!! I hope you're all doing well.. great big hugs and kisses to each of you... *muah!* Happy Thanksgiving (to American's at least...I guess other countries could care less, huh? hehehee... ;)
I hope this audio is good enough..the sound was giving me fits this time around...you'll see and I'm sorry for the echo & static...
Love you!
Juuno & Pixiegirl
What We've Been Doing:
Death Knights, can’t wait until we get further in to the scenario
Got a 
Amberleaf Scamp
Curly AudioPilgrim's Bounty!!!
Greetings to Ctrl-Alt-WoW!
Voltandra has really gotten into the spirit of Pilgrim's Bounty. I think it's the influence of the Pandaren, with their emphasis on food and beverages. Anyway, she's been running around all morning, putting together her achievements. I've attached a screenshot of her belting out some tunes while standing atop a bounty table in Darnassus, on the way to the Pilgrim's Peril achievement. She did get that achievement after battling a number of guards at the Ironforge tables. My alts always have trouble there - darn dwarves are hypervigilant, I guess. Attached audio will demonstrate her enthusiasm for this particular holiday.
I'm off to Maine for the holiday, so I may not have as much game time, but I'll be enjoying my share of actual food and beverages. I hope everyone is doing well and having a ball, both in and out of game!
-Voltandra's player
Things I'm thankful for in WoW
Dear CAW crew:Around this time each year my boys are asked, either in school or in Cub Scouts, about what they are most thankful for. Reflecting on what you have rather than what you don’t have is important to maintaining a positive outlook on life. I thought that I might come up with some cheery expressions of gratitude for my WoW experience.
I am thankful for . . .
- Klaxxi buffs-I love when bugs burst from the corpses of my slain enemies
- Klaxxi voices-I love their sinister speech. Memories of Transformers cartoons and Voltron.
- Living Steel- my main money maker. Cha-ching!
- Blingtron-
- Scenarios-for fairly easy Valor or Justice points
- The Halfhill market- which reminds me of New York/Chinatown street vendors, including the drunk by the river who will do anything for money. <wink-wink>
- Saturday mornings- when my boys beg me to play with their little WoW toons. My six year-old’s panda has been level 4 for a month and a half now and he loves it.
- Ctrl-Alt-Wow- the merry band of misfits that put out a quality podcast, and their merry following of freaks (<coughs into hand> Juuno)
- Shmyaa-whose dry monotone responses in contrast to Aprillian’s chipper voice on their recorded segments always makes me laugh.
Thanks guys, and have a Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S.
Hello CAW!
Got my submission done with a few hours to spare! Enjoy!
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