Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 426 - Sunday! Fire Sunday!

Aprillian, Leeta and Rogueslayer discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's greatest MMORPG. The show features audio segments and email submissions from our lovely listeners.
If you want to join the conversations on the show, we have a live chatroom with in-game giveaways moderated by chatroom-chick Marzana. We record every Friday at 6 p.m. EST / 8 a.m. (Sat. Australia’s time), on our Ustream page!
We also have an ongoing contest. Send an email to telling us how you play WoW, either as an altoholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.

Juuno’s delightful adventures


Hello CAW darlings!

I took way too long editing this, hehehe, so no music, I haz to pack...sorry audio is so long (I hope it's not boring)

Great big hugs & kisses!

Juuno of Earthen Ring & Korialstrasz

p.s. Pics! One for Marzana, one just of me flying past my garrison, and two from an epic raid.  Love ya's!  

What We've Been Doing:


1/ Healers - Pally Lvl46 - 49
Strath live side
Ashayo, Wingy and I decided we would see how 3 manning would go!
Sparkley goodness!
By Fire Be Purged! Wait What?!
Demon Legs!
Fountain Chilling!
2/ Warlocks - Lvl68 - 69
The Botanica
Ashayo, Wingy and I took off over to Netherstorm… no flight paths so had a nice long fly… on 150% flying! #slowmount
It was harder to get screenshots as Boss fights were harder but I did get a few!

3/ Mount Runs
Ulduar, ICC, Throne of the Four Winds and Dragon Soul - no luck!
Firelands - Grats to Ashayo finally got
Firie Flamey Goodness
4/ Timeless Isle - Need A Bigger Bag
Ancient Spineclaws hate me - farmed them for hours this week to only have 1 Monstrous Spineclaw to spawn!
5/ Blood Thirsty - Dwarf Pally - Lvl11 - 14
Killing bears, spiders and murlocs in Loch Modan.
Check out for more info!
Ding Lvl14 - 4hrs 41mins time played
6/ Iron Human Warlock - Lvl1 - 15
Decided to get a Iron toon going again!
And Iron Leitah is born!
Ding Lvl15 - 5hrs 21mins time played!
And I had a mental moment… when I dinged Lvl12 I was thinking “Can’t wait until I get Immolate and Conflag! Surely I must be close to getting them!”
Yeah… Class Specialization… fail me!
So I have 2 spells as a Warlock -
a/ Corruption which is instant cast
b/ Shadow Bolt which is a 2.5 sec cast
At that moment I decided to role a Iron Hunter
Iron Leitta is born!
Questing has taken me from Durotar over to Northern Barrens and now I am in Mulgore.
Being more picky about quests - if my gut says don’t do it then I drop the quest!
Ding Lvl14 -

7/ Heroes of the Storm
I am going to totally blame Amijade for this… “Just come play with us and have a go!” He says.
So I go and do a team thing (technical term) against the AI - Amijade, Nevermore, Lanc and Spree!
Played  the Tank, then tried Malfurion and finally Brightwing.
I mashed lots of buttons… and it was fun! :D


Screenshot 2015-06-19 07.04.20.jpg
Ogre Rare archeol
Screenshot 2015-06-17 19.24.29.jpg
Screenshot 2015-06-14 12.14.55.jpg
Pet from Blacksmithing

Screenshot 2015-06-19 19.16.58.jpg

Aprillian & Vrishna

ok, priests, humans,orcs … got it !
Bloodthirsty toon 1 …. dead
Bloodthirsty toon 2 …. dead
Bloodthirsty toon 3 …. dead
OKAY ! Been there …. NOT doin’ that !!

No Flights, No Tights !
Hellfire Ramparts
  Wipes, who shot that arrow
  Aprillian on IMDB while we’re getting ganked by pats !!
  Aprillian playing a Deathknight not in the instance while we’re getting ganked by pats !!

Thanks to Juuno

Original Vrishna invites Leeta & Marzana !!!
and forgets ……….. IronVrishna.  And logs out.
So, speaking of IronMaiden …
dinged 13, sorry to all the triskaidekaphobiacs !
Collection quests. Keep thinking I have to collect on my other toons, OHHH WAIT ! There are none !! Boy, does monoboxing take the edge off that !


Hi there - I've attached my two segments. The Rogueslayer segment is set up to be kicked off by the usual, "Rogueslayer, what have you been up to this week," kind of thing.

Also, the show notes weren't up, and since I've never created them, I didn't want to take a chance that I'd hose them and then be on the highway somewhere unable to fix them. Instead, here are my notes for my segment and the CoD Guild Updates:

  • My Item Level is Way Higher than Yours (Vivianne to 651)
  • Between Arak and a Hardplace - includes bodyguard Talonpriest Ishtaal
  • Back to Talador for Aeda Brightdawn
  • Blood-soaked Invitation
  • Keeping it Rare (50 rare missions)
  • Abandoned fishing pole -> rare underwater
  • Nagrandeur -> Loremaster of Draenor
  • Pet - Netherspawn, Spawn of Netherspawn
  • Explore Draenor!
  • Treasures - 15 -> 27 (of 100)
  • Securing Draenor - 5 down, 7 to go

Ironcaw, tauren hunter ironman
  • 11 -
  • Finally back to challenges on Wednesday, joined CoD (thanks Aprillian!)
  • Lvl 12, off to Northern Barrens
  • 15 at Crossroads

Ironclobber, dwarf hunter bloodthirsty
  • 11 -
  • Lvl 13 - Loch Modan, plus side trip to Goldshire for a turtle
  • Lvl 20 at start of Wetlands
  • 21, still early Wetlands


Kristen's audio
Hi CaW crew!
Here’s my audio this week. This means 2 weeks in a row. Woot!
Hugs to all,
P.S. I apologize for the heavy breathing in this one. L

CAW question
Since I contributed to one of the longest episodes in a while I thought I'd do something on the opposite side of the spectrum.

I think you're all great. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for having me on.
WoW Challenges -

Rigarmorty Audio 18 June 2015
Greetings CAW Crew,

Attached is my audio for this week.

I really should say more in this written part of the email but I tell all in the audio so...


For the Horde,
For th Alliance
For my first Ironman toon.


Rigarmorty x

Still no audio
Sorry no audio again this week sad face but it was a busy start to the week and the last was just as hectic no game time this weeks as for last week I managed to get my arse to dark more fair. So that was nice got in some more HoTs time and gained a few levels if you find me in your team I am truly sorry for I lack the team spirit. Basicly I get bored of the group and wander off to solo towers or mercs it's not the best strategy as it tends to get me killed a lot. Plus the people tend to have such great things to say like (this section had to be edited for the clean tag). Then the stuff about my heritage just plain rude but I choose to be the bigger troll and basically start rolling my face on the keyboard yes people that insult me in HoTs. If you think I was a noob and sucked before I assure you I was at least trying before then after I reach that point I just face roll sometimes quite literally. As the people on the book face will know I got the ink the other day for my nephew for as I have come to understand I knew little of him in life so in death I shall make sure I never forget him. For as I have said in the past I shall carry him forever more by my side tears face. Well that got depressing fast must think happy thoughts as I lose site of the iPad screen threw the tears mum sent me to feed the chickens today at my brothers farm she gave me a bucket of food scraps and everything. Little did I know that by chickens she meant super evolved velociraptors and by feed she meant be the food I am not a small man but I have found that about 30 of them will manage to take me down and then after getting the bucket turn on me and try to eat the large idiot that has wandered inside their cage. It was humbling trying to crawl to their wheat drum to fill their bowls as they actively try to eat your face.

Wow that was long winded hopefully I will have a audio next week.

For the horde

For the Alliance

For the Sandgrophers

And for Constrax who I believe will be on GGW as to Patchworkgirl who is also heading on over at some stage.

P.S I know Patchworkgirl has a real name but I will be buggered if I know how to spell let alone try and mangle it with my vocals.

P.P.S For Rigarmorty getting whatever the hell he missed out on Facebook this week seriously it's like he speaks a different language or something

P.P.P.S yes this is the last part I promise

P.P.P.P.S I lied  
Big Ge

Dear Ctrl Alt WoW crew,

I'm constraxxone (pronounced Konstraks) a moderate altaholic and pet collector, I doubt there is a cure for either of those but therapy sounds like fun.

I have been playing for 6 years now and I'm really grateful you explained where to go for the pathfinder progress  tool on  I checked it out and it happens I only have 47 treasures to find to be all caught up on the current possible progress for that.

I've been talking with Raven from the Girls Gone WoW podcast and I will be fortunate to guest with them this coming Sunday to talk about support Roles when we play the game.  I really like their interviews and have been listening to them since episode 98, they are currently on episode 182.

Leeta guested with them a few times and I had so much fun hearing Big G's submissions, he truly is a man of mystery with tales that add vast depth to his character.  I heard Aprillian mention that she wanted a syd the squid, I looted a spare one after 1 year of farming that, so I sent it for the Draw, I think Aprillian should do the /roll and see if she gets lucky on the chatroom giveaway.  I also mailed a Sky fry, both pets are in Leeta's mailbox (warlock main)

Have an awesome show, I really look forward to hearing all the stories.

Don, a.k.a. constraxxone

Each week GrandNagus takes a closer look at some of the most useful World of Warcraft addons out there.

You can find GrandNagus on Twitter @GrandNagus1, or by email at


6/12 - 6/18









Last week’s 100’s: Golsnipe, Matarinna, Loonah

Time Flies When You’re Having Fun: Leetare


Chatroom Giveaway Winners: Aprillian, LostCause, GuyDudeBro
From Constraxxone
  • Sky Fly
  • Syd the Squid
From Wolfbrother
  • Bone Serpent
  • Elver Slithershock

Shout Outs & Thank You

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