Recorded Sunday, October 22, 2017 0800
Ctrl Alt WoW Episode 544 - The Timeless Naxxy Pet Necropolis
Aprillian, Constraxx, Vrishna, Grand Nagus and guest hosts discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's greatest MMORPG. The show features audio segments and email submissions from our lovely listeners. Guild Round up from Rogueslayer
If you want to join the conversations on the show, we have a live chatroom with in-game giveaways moderated by chatroom-guru Constraxx. We record Live on our Ustream page!
We also have an ongoing contest. Send an email to telling us how you play WoW, either as an altoholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Vrishna Scholarship:
Write somewhere in email that you would like to be considered for a one month of Wow in honor of Vrishna.
This week in WoW:
Hallow’s End continuing until Nov. 1st. Mount only lootable from epic pumpkin bags i.e. loot from character toons Lvl 100+ Not sure why, Love Rocket!!
Timewalking TBC ends on tuesday
Arena Skirmish bonus Event starts on tuesday
PvP Brawl: Packed House ends on tuesday
What We've Been Doing:
2 New Toys Available from the Vendor & 1 pet :D
Loot from Timeless Isle
Multitag for shorter amounts of farming :D
Blingtron 6000 greys
Grand Nagus
Hello everyone!
Here is an audio as well as this week's Blast from the Past from episode 319.
Heres my audio for the week that was
Big G
Each week GrandNagus takes a closer look at some of the most useful World of Warcraft addons out there.
You can find GrandNagus on Twitter @GrandNagus1, or by email at
Guild Updates: 
Last week’s 100’s:
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun:
Guild Chat App - Discord
Trying a 24/7 chat app for guildies to join and just keep in contact and have chats with during IRL :) Also has a voice channel just like vent/mumble! And very easy to use! :)
And we have a CtrlAltWoW Server - so check out the link above for invite.
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