The joy of running an instance alone with either a high level alt or dual/triple boxing.
What We've Been doing:
Aprillian made Primal Mooncloth and then got this cool buff. Primals are expensive
Spent time in the Hinterland. I brought in Treshel and was surprised that she and Aprillian are both 54.

Learning how to use Curse of Weakness for crowd control
Did the Library and the Armory. Died trying to get the Scarlet Commander without clearing the Cathedral
Ardrion dinged 42 in SM. We cleared the armory and got to the guy who dies and then is resurrected. It was funny because I was panicked when I killed him easily and didn't get the little check mark from the quest thing.
Treshel hit 55 and swapped out food for her pet and her.
Saturday: Aprillian made Primal mooncloth
Got the Field test quest in tanaris, while hubby went to the grocery store, took Aprillian and Ardrion failed it because I ran out of time
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