Aprillian, Ashayo, Virshna and Jeppy discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. Contest Ongoing send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altaholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a month free of WoW or a $10 iTunes Gift Card or an Authenticator.
Thanks Lokwyn for helping me run Hellfire. Sometimes it's nice to have someone loot.
Went off on a tangent for Coilfang Reservoir thinking I could get the key for that but was only friendly.
Beaste did the Shatrath quest.
Brewdog sent Epril some gear, thanks.

Ran around getting head and shoulder enchants from Kin and Hodir
Epril leveled up Cooking. Doing JC dailies. Got the Dailies for AuchidonWhat We've Been Doing:
Epril, Deepril and Beaste worked on Thrallmar rep and got the key to do Heroic Hellfire.Thanks Lokwyn for helping me run Hellfire. Sometimes it's nice to have someone loot.
Went off on a tangent for Coilfang Reservoir thinking I could get the key for that but was only friendly.
Beaste did the Shatrath quest.
Brewdog sent Epril some gear, thanks.
Tiiaa is closer to Mechano Hog than I thought, just has to get 2 points in Engineering and 18710 of 21000 to Exalted with Horde Expedition. Looked up what she needed to gain rep, Grizzly Hill Dailies. She also spent time in bug cave. Tried to do it on Epril but it was too slow.
Beaste is doing low level mining and BS and she hit 70. Deepril hit 70 as well.
Can't fly in Exador
Aprillian & Vrishna
Deepril hit 70 and we joined Dreams in Khara. Shoutout to everyone joining us. We didn't need key, Deepril picked lock,Both Narinya and Karinya quested with Aprillian this week. We got achievements for heroic Blood Furnace and Shattered Halls. We also completed Magtheridon's lair with Virinya soloing it, I mean tanking it ! Both pallies are now level 70 after running Auchindoun
Went back to Magtheridon and didn't have much luck. 6 day lock out?
Tol Barad ... I finally went, after all the jokes with Ashayo. I expected to have to run a whole series of quests to unlock these dailies and was happily surprised that there were 6 or 7 dailies already to play, on arrival ! While questing there, I got in a little over my head. I could handle 4 mobs without too much trouble, but 6 was way too many ! I think the Alliance just saved me ?!? Lots of little spiders amongst the big ones. WOOT !
Cannot believe this mount ! Lerelond with toons on Winterhoof in the CAW guild and the Evil Wabbits. I first gave the mount to Vrishna, of course. She had to be the recipient of this wonderful mount. It was a gift for her anyway. But when I logged off of Vrishna and onto Virinya ! I'm sure many knew, but I had NO IDEA ! The mount is for all toons on the account ! AND DOUBLE WOW ! The Cenarion Hatchling is for all the toons on my account as well ! Too generous but I couldn't say no !


Brewdog is a diamond geezer. Made me a super gun Kickback 5000 and a kick ass scope! Even slapped a +40 Agility gem in it http://www.wowhead.com/item=59367

Did my first genuine PUG. Halls of Origination (Non Heroic). Went well didn't die.
Back to Uldum. Excellent cut scenes during the Harrison Jones quests.
Created new Tauren Druid - Crumbull - currently level 15. Finding it hard to do alts now that I can't multibox.
Huge thank you to TheGatorWife for the excellent and uber cute Winterspring Cub. He even follows behind when I am flying. Now I need to go and tame a big one.
Hi Java!
Hope this finds you all well and having a wonderful week.
Decided to put together another short submission for episode 218. I was hoping to have a lot more energy for this submission, but after coming down with a stomach bug I just didn't have a lot left to be my "usual" self.
Hola CAW crew,
Whats up all it is I once again The Big G that is and while your reading this hopefully I am in the chat room if so hi me if not the children have taken me down please send help well that’s all hopefully my audio is up to my normal par and please listen to ep 9 of Juuno’s corner to hear my voice break since being a teen.
Clan of Darkness
- made [Haunted War Drum] ; but it is silent
- made fossil in amber - it just stuns me
- Uldum quest "Ancient Copper Scroll". Unique in that when you pickup the last quest item, it starts a cut scene, and your toon moves back to the quest giver. Completed on Asheal, then for every item Ashayo picked up, the cut scene started again for Asheal!
- Had to use QuestHubber again to find quests to complete [Unearthing Uldum]
- Finally did Gnomebliteration - which was Ashayo's 3000'th quest! Now Ashayo the Seeker
- Asheal hit 85 on the last quest before the zeppelin ride to Twilight Highlands
- Got the Twilight Highlands achievement and Loremaster of Cataclysm on both toons. Continued with chain and got [King of the Mountain]
- Bastion of Twilight - 7% on Cho'gall
- Blackwing Descent - cleared up to Chimaeron ; interesting healer fight. 1% wipe
- Got the Twilight Highlands achievement and Loremaster of Cataclysm on both toons. Continued with chain and got [King of the Mountain]
- Bastion of Twilight - 7% on Cho'gall
- Blackwing Descent - cleared up to Chimaeron ; interesting healer fight. 1% wipe
Completed Twilight Highlands [Fading into Twilight] and earned [King of the Mountain] after helping kill Skullcrusher http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=5321. Real long fight.Added Twilight Highlands dailies to my ..er.. dailies.
Tamed Sambas in Twilight Highlands http://www.wowhead.com/npc=50159#comments
Therazane is smexy!
Brewdog is a diamond geezer. Made me a super gun Kickback 5000 and a kick ass scope! Even slapped a +40 Agility gem in it http://www.wowhead.com/item=59367
http://www.wowhead.com/item=56564 Dragonkiller Tunic
http://www.wowhead.com/item=56539 Corded Viper Belt
(He has now left the guild so not sure if the offer still stands)
Did my first genuine PUG. Halls of Origination (Non Heroic). Went well didn't die.
Back to Uldum. Excellent cut scenes during the Harrison Jones quests.
Thieving Little Pluckers is one of my favourite dailies http://www.wowhead.com/quest=28250
Created new Tauren Druid - Crumbull - currently level 15. Finding it hard to do alts now that I can't multibox.
Dailies Dailies Dailies
Guild Meeting.
Moved 10 60+ from The Coalition to CAW Winterhoof
More dailies. Went into Tol Barad and only just realized there was a portal to Uldum. Also didn't realize that my guild reputation was capped!
Joined up with Aprillian and Vrishnas Alt Army (later joined by Claypidgin) to run Magtheridons Lair http://www.wowwiki.com/Magtheridon_(tactics)
Bought new Winged Guardian mount very pleased with it. So much better than the star horse just a shame it isn't battle.net bound.
Guild reputation back. Seems I need to see a bar moving! Back to Uldum.
Loved the Gnomebliteration quest http://www.wowhead.com/quest=27779/gnomebliteration This needs to be a daily.
Huge thank you to TheGatorWife for the excellent and uber cute Winterspring Cub. He even follows behind when I am flying. Now I need to go and tame a big one.
Hi Java!
OMG I loved last week's episode! Most of the time, you have women writing in lusting over Jeppy's voice, but today we should take some time to admire the sexual chocolate that is... Hypknotoad. Its that cute boyish laugh of his that gets me every time. Oh, and before I forget, I always love it when Kimolly joins the podcast. Isn't she just as cute as a button!
So I guess I will tell you a little about me, since I already know so much about all of you. My name is Mike and I am a 27 year old nursing student. I've been playing MMO's for about 7 years now, starting with a game called Ragnarok Online, then moving on to Final Fantasy XI, and now WoW is my home. My favorite toons to play are healers, as I find healing very exciting. I have 2 level 85 druids, an 85 Paladin, 85 Priest, and an 85 Shaman.
I've been a huge Ctrl Alt Wow fan for a long time now,(over three years) and have developed a slight obsession with Aprillian. She reminds me of my grandma. Was she really abducted by aliens? It would explain soooo much!
Anyway, I was writing in get a toon of mine, Mariahscary, into the Clan of Darkness guild to play with some of my favorite podcasters!
Look forward to playing with you all!
Hello CAW Crew
Hope this finds you all well and having a wonderful week.
My shoulder is getting better - can now play with both hands :)
This week I've been busy with Archaeology - got The Professor title and the Pterrordax Hatchling so am thrilled. Also been working on quests for Kalimdor just to finish off those zones. Was doing the Feralas quests and had to kill some Noxious Whelps and to my much pleasant surprise picked up a Emerald Whelpling.
On my alts I hit 85 on my DK and 75 on my Gobby Warrior. I am busy getting Kalu'ak rep on my Warrior as I want to get her the fishing pole as well as the pet - Pengu - which I need exalted for. Am currently about halfway through revered so not far off now.
While I was flying around digging up Azeroth I had a thought about the various addons I use and how over the years they have changed and how I, who first started with no addons, raided through ZG and MC then was told "get Deadly Boss Mods that's all you need" and basically from that point on I have refined which ones work best for me through all aspects of the game - raiding, professions, BG's etc.
So my question to you all is - If you had to pick 5 addons, what are your choices?
I'm perplexed at trying to pick 5 myself as last count I have about 47 however I completely love Archy - it has helped me tremendously with Archaeology. Also I can't go past Deadly Boss Mods for dungeons & raiding. Now here is where it gets tricky coz there are so many like Titan Panel, OverAchiever, XPerl, Bartender etc.
Anyway would love to hear your choices :)
Alas it is physio time so I must sign off - may you all have a fabulous week.
Thank you all for this amazing podcast.
Hugs Leeta
hello CAW crew,

gift for vrishna
hello CAW crew,
and especially Vrishna.
since you have been protecting digital bunnies so fiercely, we, of the Bunny Protection Agency, represented by Leralond, have decided to give you a gift.
World of Warcraft® Pet: Cenarion Hatchling : XXXX
World of Warcraft® Mount: Winged Guardian : XXXX
To use this key to activate the pet, simply follow these instructions:
World of Warcraft® Mount: Winged Guardian : XXXX
To use this key to activate the pet, simply follow these instructions:
- Create a Battle.net account (or if you already have one, log in) at http://www.battle.net
- Verify your e-mail address. (If you have previously verified your address, skip this step.) From the main Account Management page, click the 'verify this e-mail address' link. Then, check your e-mail account for a verification e-mail. Click the link in this e-mail to verify your e-mail address.
- Return to the Battle.net account management page, then click on 'Code Redemption'.
- Enter the above Pet Key in the code field.
- Once you have successfully redeemed this code, you will be able to use the pet in World of Warcraft.
Happy questing!
member of the ctrl alt wow guild on winterhoof
(Worgen hunter)
member of Evil wabbits (tauren druid)
and a lot of alts...
Winterhoof Update
AudioDecided to put together another short submission for episode 218. I was hoping to have a lot more energy for this submission, but after coming down with a stomach bug I just didn't have a lot left to be my "usual" self.
Your bud,
Submission for June 1
Hola CAW crew,
Hope everyone has had a good week, in and out of the game. Here is our submission, with a bit of a twist. Enjoy!
The Kithores
Earthen Ring and Dragonblight
Audio for june first
Whats up all it is I once again The Big G that is and while your reading this hopefully I am in the chat room if so hi me if not the children have taken me down please send help well that’s all hopefully my audio is up to my normal par and please listen to ep 9 of Juuno’s corner to hear my voice break since being a teen.
Rigarmorty Audio for EP 218
Hi Aprillian, Vrishnam, Ashayo and Eljeppy!
Attached, as usual is this weeks audio update. I might be able to come and atleast listen online, hoping to get into the chat room but work internet is rubbish really.
Grats to Ctrl Alt Wow on Winterhoof for guild level 3!
.S. I got my DK's name wrong it's Rigar The Black not Red. Rigarthered is my Dwarf Rogue. RigartheBlak is my Dwarf DK :D
Attached, as usual is this weeks audio update. I might be able to come and atleast listen online, hoping to get into the chat room but work internet is rubbish really.
Grats to Ctrl Alt Wow on Winterhoof for guild level 3!
.S. I got my DK's name wrong it's Rigar The Black not Red. Rigarthered is my Dwarf Rogue. RigartheBlak is my Dwarf DK :D
Shout Outs & Thank You
Clan of Darkness
First, a little news. We would like to welcome and thank our new officers in the Clan of Darkness ! Inmyowndreams, Icefloe and Caoboi have agreed to be officers to help out with guild business. Welcome ! All three already contributed a great deal to the guild having put our website together with Aprillian. So thanks for volunteering. The officer rank I created is Dark Commander.
35448 critters out of 50,000
Level 5
Last week's
Bangobingo upate
Hey CAW crew,
Just wanted to send a quick update on what I have been up to in the Clan of Darkness as well as pose a question for you and the listening audience.
As for me I have had a blast leveling my undead warrior, Bangobingo, with the guild. It is refreshing to feel like I am part of a great group of wow players. Most of the guilds I was in on my main server were quite silent and although they were sometimes willing to help with professions/dungeons the lacked the sense of zest and enthusiasm in CoD. Anyway, my warrior is sitting comfortably at 70 waiting to run some BC raid content with my guildies. I have scaled back my leveling as to not out level the content before we are all ready to progress. On the profession front I made the decision to drop herbalism and pick up engineering. Currently I am in the 120’s thanks to the generous contributions of the guild to the guild bank. I have dropped some gold in the bank from time to time and will certainly repay the favor with additional ore and gold as I make it back. I have made a bank alt, Readytogogo, a blood elf mage that I would like to include in the guild as well. Due to RL circumstances I haven’t been able to log on as much as I had but always look forward to joining my new friends in the game we all love to play.
The question I have is regarding the forthcoming introduction of the cross realm dungeon finder premium service. Do you believe this will be an additional feature included in the remote armory fee or a separate fee on a monthly basis? Also, do you think this is going a little far considering we have already paid for the game, three expansions, a monthly subscription, and for some, the mobile Armory? Additionally, there are numerous paid services for character transfers and race/faction changes on the plate as well. What are you thoughts on this new service and its associated (but yet unknown) cost?
Take care and happy leveling, questing, dungeoning, raiding, professioning, dailying, and stuff.
Bangobingo, lvl 70 Undead Warrior
Greetings! I just started listening to CtrlAltWoW the past episode or two although I have "known" Jeppy a while via Twitter. I absolutely love the podcast and am an altaholic although I am a monoboxer. ^_^ I just started a new toon on Earthen Ring, a blood elf paladin (Jaeci), and will probably make a few more alts on that server. I would love to join you all in the Clan of Darkness! My main server is Wyrmrest Accord where I have quite a few toons including my "main" Jaci who is 85. I have one other 85 on Emerald Dream a draenei warrior. I am just returning from a couple months break and trying to find my place. Right now I am just pvping trying to get my guild on Wyrmrest the guild page, but I am hoping to have many more stories with the Clan of Darkness should I be accepted. Thank you!
gift for vrishna
hello CAW crew,
and especially Vrishna.
since you have been protecting digital bunnies so fiercely, we, of the Bunny Protection Agency, represented by Leralond, have decided to give you a gift.
World of Warcraft® Pet: Cenarion Hatchling : XXXX
World of Warcraft® Mount: Winged Guardian : XXXX
To use this key to activate the pet, simply follow these instructions:
World of Warcraft® Mount: Winged Guardian : XXXX
To use this key to activate the pet, simply follow these instructions:
- Create a Battle.net account (or if you already have one, log in) at http://www.battle.net
- Verify your e-mail address. (If you have previously verified your address, skip this step.) From the main Account Management page, click the 'verify this e-mail address' link. Then, check your e-mail account for a verification e-mail. Click the link in this e-mail to verify your e-mail address.
- Return to the Battle.net account management page, then click on 'Code Redemption'.
- Enter the above Pet Key in the code field.
- Once you have successfully redeemed this code, you will be able to use the pet in World of Warcraft.
Happy questing!
member of the ctrl alt wow guild on winterhoof
(Worgen hunter)
member of Evil wabbits (tauren druid)
and a lot of alts...
Critter Kill Squad
Hey CAW crew I’ve listened for some time and have heard quite a bit of talk lately about critter killing. It sounds like you all are working your way up and trying to figure how to do a bunny-free achievement. I am not sure if you are aware or not of an effective way to do this achievement. This method used to work and I assume still does, but I haven’t had to do it in a while. When you are in a party or a raid each critter in the party/raid gets credit for the kill, whether they killed it or not. So if you go to the penguin tunnel with a raid of 40, each one you kill counts as 40 kills. So you find a highly populated critter area and get as many people in a raid as you can in the area and go slaughtering critters.
If that method doesn’t work, I apologize as it used to.
Take it easy and good luck!
Aka… Jon
Dark Iron [US]
For the Horde!
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