Aprillian, Leeta, Rogueslayer and Tedrah discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. With segments by Grand Nagus and Donnie of Clan of Darkness. Contest Ongoing send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altaholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Juuno and Pixie Girl!
Hi Aprillian, Leeta, Rogueslayer and Tedrah and all of our awesome guildies & friends!
everyone is having a awesome week, in an out game! And Valentine's Day :)
really anything too talk about this week, I'm still coasting as far as the game goes but doing a lot better as far as my mood goes. Have played some and did the Friday night run which was a lot of fun even with well wasted or should I say drunk guild mates lol Not saying who either they know who they were, but I think they
had a lot of fun. Between slurred words and running into walls we got it all done, no mounts dropped but there was a pet or two that did. I also got thanks too Rokwyn a and very lovely yellow dress which I transmogged and my lock is now wearing (picture included). Which got me started doing the other girls, aw a new addiction to add to the ever growing list of wow things. But really we need a closet, to hang all our lovely clothes, so we have daily change of clothes to wear don't you think?
really anything too talk about this week, I'm still coasting as far as the game goes but doing a lot better as far as my mood goes. Have played some and did the Friday night run which was a lot of fun even with well wasted or should I say drunk guild mates lol Not saying who either they know who they were, but I think they
had a lot of fun. Between slurred words and running into walls we got it all done, no mounts dropped but there was a pet or two that did. I also got thanks too Rokwyn a and very lovely yellow dress which I transmogged and my lock is now wearing (picture included). Which got me started doing the other girls, aw a new addiction to add to the ever growing list of wow things. But really we need a closet, to hang all our lovely clothes, so we have daily change of clothes to wear don't you think?
You know I really thought about not playing at all just give up be done with it, only I can't cause I miss all of you. Like I've said in the past you have become apart of my family, and I found out that even in the bad times you care. You have no idea what that means to me, so thank you so very much for all of your support and caring. And next time if
it happens again I'll try and say something instead of just up and leaving like I did. The only one to blame for this is me, done of you did anything my world just crashed. I'm blaming old man winter and cabin fever plus Jimmie for leaving like he did, yes sometimes I'm still mad at him! Really I think we need a coffee hour on the game so we can talk about what ever we want too, this way Big Steve has someone to drink coffee with and so will I :) Willopelt told me if I didn't bring my girls back he would quit, can't have that!
it happens again I'll try and say something instead of just up and leaving like I did. The only one to blame for this is me, done of you did anything my world just crashed. I'm blaming old man winter and cabin fever plus Jimmie for leaving like he did, yes sometimes I'm still mad at him! Really I think we need a coffee hour on the game so we can talk about what ever we want too, this way Big Steve has someone to drink coffee with and so will I :) Willopelt told me if I didn't bring my girls back he would quit, can't have that!
Anyway that's been my week
Love you Pixie
For the horde & Clan of Darkness
pictures: Phenelope (lock) Kiche (mage) Mourtisha (DK)
What We've Been Doing:
1/ TNAK - Mage dinged Lvl80!
Ran some dungeons - First one “Dick of the Week” - the hunter ninjaed the tanking ring that dropped from the final boss which was an upgrade for Cloggie’s Warrior.
Second dungeon we ran - had Lvl80 Shaman who pretty much soloed it while we all ran behind looting lol 
Check out the screenshot of health of Shaman compared to our toons - Shaman over 55k and we were all arounf 17k! Hence why he was pretty muchly one shotting mobs! We all thought it was pretty hilarious :)
2/ CoD - Tanked Gates of the Setting Sun on my DK with Ashayo, Wingy, Cloggie and Marconin. Had great fun :)
3/ Lunar Festival - So far have run my 4 90’s everynight and no luck on mount.
Funny how there is an instant queue when I tank it on my DK - As opposed to waiting for group to form when I am on a DPS toon.
4/ Fishing in Kun Lai - Wingy, GrandNagus and myself had some guild fishing bonding as the fish of the day was Spinefish and mass pools in Kun Lai
Even fished up Krakkanon :)
*see screenshots*

Between the 3 of us over 1 hour fishing we got 474 items! Though no Fishy pet! :(
Also spent 4hrs the next day fishing - and still no luck on the pet!
5/ Warlocks - Ran Scarlet Monastery - Lvl33 - 34
*see screenshots*

Ran Maraudon - Lvl34 - 36
*see screenshots*

6/ Baby Warlock Horde CoD Leetta hit Lvl60 - yay Outlands… again!!
7/ Dark Soil OCD - flying around and around and around! Obessive slightly! ;)
8/ Guested on Let’s WoW Podcast with Ghemit, Dae and Uno - had alot of fun!
Rogueslayer (CoD)
- After show fully logged out, top hat was gone. Seems only to stay through character logout, not exit game.
- Saturday looted: Bad Clams, Haunted Herring, Last Week’s Mammoth
- Saturday lvl 70, but 2000 gold short. Everrose sent -> The Right Stuff!
- Monday did dailies round - Dalaran cook/fish, Kaskala, Orgrimmar cook/fish, Old Man Barlo, Shattrath master pet tamer, The Rokk cook (had to go to Eco-Domes, had no flight paths in Blade’s Edge or Netherstorm)
- Tuesday same (72.35 - 72.77%), then added Conquest Hold daily at 73. Stormchops recipe from The Rokk
- Wednesday dailies, plus Spirits of Auchindon, Moa’ki Harbor, Blue Sky Logging and Venture Bay (73.31 - 74.04%) - Recipe for Delicious Chocolate Cake
- Thursday dailies, add Zul’Drak (except Truth Serum - ugh) - (74.83 - 75.46%) - Our Daily Bread (Dalaran cooking dailies), Kickin’ It Up a Notch (The Rokk dailies), Tasty Cupcake recipe
- Friday dailies - (76.97 - 77.62%) - 50 Cooking Awards (Dalaran). Was just shy of Dalaran flight deck when server restart hit. What’s up with Friday restart? Spun Truesilver Fishing Line (+3 fishing enchant to pole)
- Gymer, King of Storm Giants corpse in Legendary Leathers (Glowergold’s place) - screenshot
- Weather-beaten fishing journal
- Was online Wednesday when Danarra completed What a Long Strange Trip It’s Been!
- Working Day and Night (450 in two primary prof)
- Lvl 75 - Chose Grimoire of Supremacy - badass minions!
- Luyu Moth to 25
- Landed in Sholazar, picked an herb, saw a stubborn weed from the farm. I wanted to go pull it out! (screenshot)
- Could a more experienced warlock explain the value of Demonic Circle Summon/Teleport?
- Growing ore
Good Day Ladies,
Just wanted to send a quick update. Unfortunately I had to have neck surgery last week due to a compressed disk which was causing numbness down my left arm. Everything went well and I am on my way to recovering. Needless to say I have been slowed down a bit, but not out :)
I was able to get the Swift White Hawkstrider from Heroic MT, as well as the Rivendare's charger, and the Blue proto-drake from Heroic UP too, which made me feel very good.
I wish you all the best and hope to be back at full speed soon.
Clan of Darkness
For the Horde, Alliance, and full mobility :)....
Message from Hartnell
Hello Ctrl Alt Wow! This is Hartnell. I am happy to report I had a great week in game. It started off good with my first visit to the UStream chat room. Later that night I joined the raid group and got no less that 17 achievements! I also got to see C'Thun in AQ40 finally and, by the way, Grand Nagus deserves recognition for the way in which he makes sure that no one participating gets forgotten as the group moves around Azeroth. I was impressed.
As for the rest of my week, I hope you'll allow me a few more moments to tell a little story. I mentioned in my last email that I rolled Hartnell as a new character when I returned to the game at the end of 2011. This was also a new account as I knew that I had deleted all of the characters on my old account when I quit the game. Yes, I had done that dreaded thing.
While I know those listening can understand what a loss I inflicted on myself, I trust that many also know what it is like to hit a low point in life. It wasn't the game's fault, but it was what I needed to do at the time, it seems. Thankfully, I can say that things have only got better since then and I am quite happy today.
Well, with account-wide achievements, mounts and pets now a reality, I began wondering if adding my old account to my Battle.net would recover my past accomplishments. I did so, created a character and: nothing. Oh well. I decided to chat with a GM as a last step and then forget about the idea.
GM Roobear pointed out the obvious: the achievements, mounts and pets must first be on a character. Logging in on that toon then triggers those things to be shared with the Battle.net account. Makes sense. Again: oh well; I love my Orc shaman; back to Tillers dailies.
But wait, what's this from GM Roobear? "I went ahead and restored all of the characters on the account that I could." WHAT? Just like that, without me even suggesting the idea? I thanked him profusely and then logged in to see what had been restored.
Well, I nearly burst into tears. There was the level 60 undead priest I had mostly played during vanilla WoW. There was the human warlock, level 71 that was my primary Burning Crusade character; and my other BC toon, a 67 hunter with a bag full of now grey arrow stacks; and finally my two mains for Wrath: an 80 Draenei Death Knight and Hartnell's predecessor, a level 84 orc shaman, the character I was playing when I hit rock bottom during the early months of Cataclysm (not Deepholm, but in real life haha).
My achievements points jumped from around 2600 to 5900. My mounts increased to 75. My number of unique pets went from 75 to 127 getting me two more pets from achievements. WOW!
Needless to say, I'm overwhelmed. I never thought to ask for all of this back. Since it was my own fault, I had accepted the loss. Thank you Roobear so much. And thank you CAW hosts and listeners for forgiving the length of this email and allowing me to share my joy with you.
For the Horde, For the Clan of Darkness, and For the TARDIS,
Dear CtrlAltWoW !
My tauren alt, Rávnhall, experienced something the other day that made him very upset,
in fact, so upset that he decided to write a letter to Blizzard.
Dear Blizzard,
To my horror I experienced difficulties getting in the door at Plate-n-chain in Ratchet, yes I am a tauren, and yes I am big boned, but can you please remove, or hang a bit higher the hearts in the doorway, because they obstruct my tauren from gettin in! *sobs
Thank you.
#11 day ago
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ShaonvesCustomer Service Representative
HALLIDY DOODILY!! I am Game Master Shaonves!! The Cupcake Master of the GM!
I have come from far and wide to guide you though your victories and special wishes for you to use. I've had a chance to glance in our record books for your ticket, I have arrived here today to offer you some news.
So I see your MooCowey ness is having an issue with a doorway. No matter Mr. Ràvnhall, I've come with a simple solution till the hearts go away. If you walk up to the doorway and jump into the door, it shuold let your though. As much as it pains me to say, I took over your Mootastic to see what you were referring to. As I jumped at the door, to my dismay... IT LET ME IN! :D! But don't worry, I used my magical cupcake abilities to place you back to where you needed to be. Right when you had logged off.
If you have any questions, or would like to chit chat with us more about this issue, please click "I still have a problem" above. I wish you the best of gaming and only hope your battles and quests are victorious!
With Cupcakes and Magical Spirits
Game Master Shaonves
Blizzard Entertainment
Bad Week
Well lets see this week has been worse than a unicorn somersault it started out well and well it went down hill the rest of it so here’s my audio
Big G
Addon Spotlight:
with Grand Nagus
Addon Spotlight CAW 357:
Clan of Darkness Guildie Achievements
Top 10 (screenshot Monday evening)
Milestones in leveling (Wednesday 2/5 through Monday 2/9 - apologies for any from Tuesday):
- 10
- Stegatamed
- 20
- Cimmeril
- Stegatamed
- Ravnhall
- 40
- Robsta
- Flambay
- Shaggadin
- Millyfox
- Carreth
- 50
- Taureniquet
- Icybellina
- Johnnylockz
- 70
- Rogueslayer
- Tirisfel
- 80
- Golsham
- 85
- Golsham
Shout Outs & Thank You
Clan of Darkness
Hello Ctrlaltwow Crew
It has never happened that I write to you 2 weeks in a row but I come bearing a gift.
I won the top 25 in Guild activity competition we had last week in the game. I won an Armored Bloodwing and I thank Donnie for the gift. I already have this mount so I thought I would give it to you Ladies to give away.
You might be able to have a competition of your own and get somebody to make you a new Email bumper.
Anyway I love the new line up. You Ladies are awesome. Have a great week.
Sincerely Matahorn
Ps I must thank Donnie for letting me give away my prize.
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