Aprillian, Leeta, Rogueslayer and Tedrah discuss another week of playing World of Warcraft, Blizzard's great MMORPG. With segments by Grand Nagus and Donnie of Clan of Darkness. Contest Ongoing send an email to ctrlaltwow@gmail.com telling us how you play WoW, either as an altaholic or dealing with it in your family life to being placed in a drawing for a WoW Pet or an Authenticator.
Juuno and Pixie Girl!
No Juuno/Pixie Girl :(!
What We've Been Doing:
1/ Jeremy Feasel is STILL a weasel! No luck on the pet! Oh well I guess bring on April DMF!
Mail from Duvessae with a surprise mail containing “The Eye”
2/ Warlocks - Early on during the week we ran Dire Maul - East & West - Lvl39-41
**Here is the ragtag bunch of Warlocks getting ready for our journey into the Maul… Dire Maul that is!!**
Just A Few Drain Life Screenshots!

**Then we ventured into Scholomance and what a “fun” start we had! The first few pulls we had some truly epic wipes! Was hilarious however it made us go “old school” and do some major Crowd Control!!**

Scholo - went from Lvl41-42 (about 4 bubbles to go)!
3/ TNAK Guild - Mage - We ran Throne of the Tides, The Stonecore and Vortex Pinnacle! My Mage went from Lvl81 - 83!
4/ Herald of the Titans Toon - Druid Lvl67 - 74
Spent time questing in Nagrand until 69 then headed over to Borean Tundra.
Then both Wingy and Ravn ran my Druid through some Dungeons - so big thank you to them both! <3
5/ “Middle” Warlock Leeta on Aerie Peak
The Digital Preorder was released and it took me a few days to figure out which toon I would “Boost” to 90!
Decided on my AP Human Warlock - Leeta - who started at Lvl52 - figured I would level her through to 60 then Boost her.
A few interesting facts
* No heirlooms - mostly because I was tired of sending them back and forth between toons
* ilvl43 when I started at Lvl52
* Got a World Drop - Bow called Hurricane http://www.wowhead.com/item=2824#dropped-by
* Hit Lvl60 - ilvl54 - Picture of her right before the “Boost”
I left her in Stormwind when I logged out!
Did the “Boost”
And here she is Lvl90 - ilvl382 in Shrine of the Seven Stars.
* Got Double Agent Achievement!
* Professions - Tailoring, Enchanting and First Aid all maxed to 600!
6/ Hearthstone Released
So not only did we get the Preorder released but we got Hearthstone released!
Get your Hearthsteed - win 3 games in Play or Arena Mode
Info - http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/13154922/ride-into-action-on-your-hearthsteed-3-11-2014
* I used a Lvl1 Druid deck*
7/ Clan of Darkness - Ulduar - Friday night run
Had a great time with Juuno, Pixie and the ‘gang’
8/ Just in case there is no email from Pixie - she messaged me asking if I could relay this message - Love you all!
Wednesday morning - “Your playtime expires in 30 minutes.” Bomb shelter flirting
Crowds and dueling in Falconwing Square!
- Moved Everthorn and Voltantrum onto Sunsong Ranch. Took Voltantrum 0 - 300 in cooking, Everthorn to “The Way” quests
- Brillig, 90 orc rogue in Robot House. Repeated death by vermin
- Ironlocked 1 - BE warlock - died lvl 10 (almost 11) - stupid Bloodsail shortcut
- Ironlocked 2 - BE warlock - died 14.5. Anok’suten group, but green…
- Ironlocked 3 - BE warlock - died 8.5 death on The Spire. Usually put off, but didn’t...mana wyrms…
- Ironlocked 4 - BE warlock - died just over 15 at Underlight Mines with a bunch of quest turn-in’s. Gang of Gnolls.
- Ironlocked 5 - UD warlock -
- Magelicious - new Dwarf arcane mage (needs CAW invite) - lvl 18
- Deronia - 61 fire mage, now 62
- Stayed up 2.5 hours me, questing
- All this time, hadn’t seen the identity box bottom right when hover. Ooooohhhhhh!
- Did a Proudmoore-Winterhoof group. Worked well, but couldn’t summon
- While soloing, got herself into the middle of Grom’gol. Taught the fine art of corpse-hopping
- WoWmatrix - arkinventory, postal - auctionator?
Yes, the "Vader" bit at the end of my email is an automatic signature. Thanks for reminding me it's time to change it up a bit.
I did make a toon in the guild: Intarsya. It's a knitting term : a technique I hate but love the *sound* of! And someone used it to design a knitted tabard. If anyone wants to see, here's a link. For the horde!
I realized I didn't say much about my play style in my first email. I'm and extreme casual player. What does that mean? I play whenever I can, and I understand the basic mechanics and do occasionally have player-rage (mostly in dungeons when I'm healing, and it's generally on behalf of the tank! Don't give the tank a hard time if you attack first and he doesn't get a chance to get the aggro! ;) )
I've been listening back and I've got to say: Leeta is to 'locks as I am to priests. I have one I created with my RL arty friends who is sitting somewhere in the 80s, Intarsya in CoD, and my attempts at playing Ally have all been priests. My only 90 is a priest that had over a year of role-play behind her to make her almost a real person to me. However, she went through so much drama and hardship that I got to where I couldn't play her anymore.(Mostly when I was going through mine. I've got weird theories on that, but tl;dr is that it helps to get my mind off my own icky situations when I can cause them to a fictional character!) ANYWHO! She was named Mordrain, which is where my "Rain" comes from. About two weeks ago I transferred her server and her name wasn't available. So when people in mumble were calling me "Melsy"...well, that's why I wasn't answering! I kept forgetting that was me!
Speaking of Melsy and Mumble - thanks so much to the Friday night group for taking me along to prance about with them! It was my first time doing end-game content. Yes, first. I *love* healing, but haven't done anything other than 5-man mostly randoms. And thanks to Pixie for chatting with me afterward. She's such a sweetheart! I can tell that this group is EXACTLY what I have been looking for: kind, silly, friendly, supportive, and engaging.
In game (to get back on track) I love healing. LOVE IT. But I only heal Holy. Every time I try for disco, I wind up setting it up as dps and questing with it. I've tried other healers...well, sort of. I wish I could trust HoTs, but maybe it's just my nature. I want to re-act, not pro-act! A friend coached me through tanking and I loved it too - I got to see both sides of the equation and I think it helped me become better at each that I did. DPS, though? Well, I respect anyone that can do it, cause I can't. I do have a mage at 85, but she's exclusively questing. (She was created to be an RP toon. She has a personality I modeled off Amelia Peabody and is a blast to tool around with in character!)
Because of listening to past episodes, I decided to start transmogging again. I'm attaching a screenshot of the gear I'm going for on Edythe my 80-ish priest, and the mage Enid Cobblesmythe's "working costume", which considering she is an archaeologist goes beautifully with the fossilized raptor mount!
This has gotten too long, so I'm going to end it short. So, bye and thanks for letting me in the family!
For the Horde, and for the transmogging!
I aim to misbehave. - Cap'n Tightpants
Greetings from Brew Dawg. I'm still around just not in Azeroth.
Most of my gaming time is spent in a galaxy far far away in SW:ToR and beta testing a new MMO. The beta is closed and has an NDA so I cannot discuss it. When the NDA lifts I'll send an email with my review. I will say it is not Elder Scrolls Online or Everquest Next.
I've been un-subscribed from WoW for quite some time. Many of the people I used to raid with transferred to Aerie Peak when the Covert to Raid guys left Earthen Ring. I tried to put together a new team early last year but unfortunately I couldn't get a stable group of 10 to show up on a consistent basis.
Blizzard decided not to add any 5 mans after the launch of MoP. So no content besides raiding for Tanks. The introduction of Flex has reduced the number of tanks needed further by increasing the typical raid size from 10 to 15-20 players with only 2 needed to be tanks. As a casual player who likes to tank there wasn't any reason for me to log in.
I have been subbed to SWToR since launch. I had been running raids (operations) one night a week with a casual group of AIE folks. That team decided to get a bit more serious, partially because of my increased availability. <Lords of Light> (also known as lol) now run two nights a week. We have completed all the current raids on normal and are progressing through hard mode content.
The Old Republic has improved greatly since launch and unlike WoW continues to support small group PVE content. My Altoholic ways have continued in ToR. I have one toon of each class on each faction at level cap. Each class story is like playing different Star Wars RPG.
The Sith Inquisitor, Imperial Agent and Jedi Knight stories were my favorite. The Sith Inquisitor story would make a great dark Star Wars movie. In the Imperial Agent story there are decision points that literally made me get up from my computer and think about which to pick for a day or two.
I may be back for Warlords but it's doubtful. The game I'm beta testing will be out this summer and I'll probably be hitting level cap and ready to start raiding about the time WoD is released. But never say never.
Brew Dawg
Bemmo’s audio
Sleeping pills for the win
Got a lot done this week not much in game but been plenty busy outside of work.
Jeppy Size Audio
I suspect you had to fish this out of the spam but no worries.
Here is the link to the interview I mention
Big Hugs!!
Addon Spotlight:
with Grand Nagus
This is the link to Auditor on curse:
CoD Achievements in Leveling
Time Flies When You’re Having Fun:
- Jepski
- Pepski
- Intarsya
Special Note: Pandaren Ambassador - Mirrax (Golden Lotus, Shado-Pan, Lorewalkers, Tillers, Huojin Pandaren, August Celestials, Klaxxi, Anglers, Order of the Cloud Serpent) - WOW
CoD Weekly Activity (late Monday, 3/10)
- Gifts:
- Duvessae sent: Royal Satchel - Weasl, Living Steel Belt Buckle -Intarsya (Jolantru mail)
Shout Outs & Thank You
Clan of Darkness
Hello Ctrlaltwow Crew
It has never happened that I write to you 2 weeks in a row but I come bearing a gift.
I won the top 25 in Guild activity competition we had last week in the game. I won an Armored Bloodwing and I thank Donnie for the gift. I already have this mount so I thought I would give it to you Ladies to give away.
You might be able to have a competition of your own and get somebody to make you a new Email bumper.
Anyway I love the new line up. You Ladies are awesome. Have a great week.
Sincerely Matahorn
Ps I must thank Donnie for letting me give away my prize.
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